
Excuse me, are you Listening? – Letter From a Reader

photo of Rina Risper

Dear Readers,

I am always surprised when we hear from our readers. It is always important for business owners to get feedback.

Email received December 18, 2020

Hello Rina,

I am a first-time reader of your newspaper. I am a regular reader of the City Pulse and Sunday mornings walking my German Shepherd, Lena, is when I usually get that paper. They have scattered pick-up locations throughout downtown, and I happened to be by City Hall where I picked up your paper, too.

I really liked the message of compassion and positivity in your letter. I also liked that your articles appear to reach out to a wide diversity of people. There is so much polarization in our country, so I find it refreshing to read something that promotes positive messages like inclusiveness and compassion. Thank you.

Joseph Lehning

“If you’re not willing to risk, you cannot grow. If you cannot grow, you cannot be your best. If you cannot be your best, you cannot be happy. If you cannot be happy, what else is there? ” -Les Brown

Mr. Lehning,

Thank you for your kind words and actually taking the time to put your thoughts down on paper. When I received your email, I was getting ready for an interview with my best friend and lawyer, Sherrie Ross with StoryCorps. I was looking for my packet and saw your email.

In February of 2021, we start our 20th year. It has been hard. It has been easy. I have loved it. I have disliked it. I had the chance to show raw emotion to my friend Sherrie, who this last time encouraged me to keep going. Your email was delivered right on time as I read it to her fighting back tears before our interview. You are appreciated to the core.

You captured exactly what the newspaper is about “inclusiveness and diversity.”

Have a wonderful day. And give Lena an extra treat from me. I love German shepherds.


Rina Risper

Stay safe. Mask up. Be kind.

Love people.