
Excuse me, are you listening? – Seasons Changing

Dear Readers,

Summer is a time for fun, relaxation, and adventure. It is also a time to show off your fashion sense and enjoy the great outdoors. We should all be able to fully enjoy all that summer has to offer, it’s important to prepare yourself mentally and physically.

Here are a few tips to help you get ready for summer:


Start thinking about summer in the spring. The sooner you start thinking about summer, the sooner you can start planning for it. Start writing a journal and document what you would like to do with your family.  If you are single, write down the places you would like to see and the experiences you would like to have.  Not only will this help you stay motivated but if you start early enough you will have something to look for throughout the year.

Set some goals for yourself. What do you want to do this summer? Do you want to travel, go to the beach, or just relax at home? Do you have a passport?  Do you need a passport?  If you go to the beach, will you be bringing a picnic basket and chairs?  Do you have a beach bag packed?  Do you have wet wipes to clean up? Do you have a cooler?  Having a checklist and some goals will help you stay focused and make the most of your summer.

Let go of stress. Summer is a time to relax and de-stress. Be yourself.  If you want to wear something that makes you feel comfortable, wear it.  Make sure to let go of any worries or stressors from the past three years of the pandemic. This will help you enjoy your summer to the fullest and allow time for you to create new memories.

Move your body

Get in shape. Start in the spring.  Yoga is a great start.  Stretching is also a great way to get started prior to working out or walking.  Summer is a great time to be in shape. Not only will you look and feel better, but you’ll also be able to enjoy some of the activities that summer has to offer sooner.  There are also plenty of free exercise and yoga programs on the internet.  Or if you love to dance, do so with unabandoned joy.  There may be no one watching but dancing can serve as a calorie-burning aerobic exercise that helps toning your stomach.

Eat healthy foods.  It sounds so cliche but eating better will give you the energy you need to enjoy any activities. Healthy fruits, nuts, and vegetables will keep you feeling better unless you are allergic.  Look for low-sugar drinks, even better if you choose plain or sparkling water, it will also help you stay hydrated and avoid getting sick.  If you choose water, you can purchase a Brita so that you will not have to recycle plastic bottles. Eat lean meats and fish.

Get enough sleep, even when your mind is racing there are things that you can use to help like the app Calm or sleep videos on the internet.  Put your phone away and turn off the television for at least an hour before you plan to go to bed.  Meditating, journaling or reading also helps your mind to settle down.  Sleep is so essential for good health and well-being. So make sure to get enough sleep so you can feel your best. When you are tired, it is hard to concentrate and focus on what you need to do during the hours that you are awake.

Wear what you want

Before the seasons change always review what is in your closets and drawers. Summer is a great time to update your wardrobe and personal items. Take your winter clothing and shoes to be cleaned and fixed.  You will be ready when the weather changes back to fall.  You will be better prepared and have less stress.

Every season is your chance to show off your personal style.  But during the summer you can really have some fun with fashion.  Bright colors, bright smiles, crazy sunglasses, and natural hair, make it something else by doing what makes you feel like a boss.

Invest in some key pieces. There are a few key pieces that every summer wardrobe should have. For women, include a swimsuit, a pair of shorts, a sweater, a sundress, and a pair of sandals.  For men, include sneakers, a swimsuit, cotton tee shirts and shorts.  Please remember to include a new umbrella.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. Summer is the perfect time to experiment with your fashion sense. Try new trends and see what works for you. Do not let anyone dictate what you should wear based on your age.  It is none of their business, they do not have to comment or look.

Are you hungry?

Again, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients that will keep you healthy and hydrated all summer long.  They will also stave off hunger.  We all know the theory that you should not go to the store hungry.  You should also not leave the house without eating something unless you are going to eat out.  Even if you are going to eat out, have a little snack before you leave so you are not starving while waiting for your food to arrive at the table.  My favorite vegetables are carrots and cauliflower.

Stay hydrated. It’s important to stay hydrated, especially when it’s hot outside. Drink plenty of water, juice, and other fluids.

Avoid sugary drinks and foods. Anything that is sugary can dehydrate you and make you feel sluggish. For some, they feel a  boost after consuming something sugary.  The spike in alertness doesn’t last for long and severe mood changes, like the lack of focus, may happen. Instead, opt for water, juice, or sparkling water. 

If you have an opportunity to talk to a nutritionist, please do so.

Take time to relax

Take some time for yourself. Self-care does not mean you have to spend money either.  Summer is a great time to relax and recharge and that could be done by sitting in your own backyard.   If you do not have a backyard, try going to a park or a nature reserve.   Take some time for yourself to do the things you love, whether it’s engaging in learning something new or spending time with people you love.  Spend some time laughing as well.  Comedy and laughter can trigger endorphins which improve your mood and positive feelings in the body. Laughter can help lessen depression and anxiety too.

Avoid stress. Stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health. So make sure to avoid stress as much as possible.  Your mental health is so important.  Helping others may make you feel great but you need to help yourself first.  Pray if you need to.  Find help if you need to.  Get a therapist if you are dealing with past trauma.

By following these tips, you may be on your way to having a summer that is more enjoyable.  This advice may not be for everyone and is not meant to be all-inclusive.  You can also add or subtract from this list.  We all have to start somewhere.  So get ready, I am so excited summer is coming!



Rina Risper

P.S. Also, give honor to those who are no longer here.  We have passed the three year mark since the beginning of the pandemic.  It has been tough for many and tougher for most.  Take time to grieve and process the loss of loved ones.