

By Charissa Patterson-Martinez
Faith is a powerful tool that we all possess, yet we do not use the power effectively or efficiently enough.  Really, what is the worst that can happen? At best, those things that we desire most come to be. This is good as long as it is legal, not lethal, not done maliciously to hurt others and is positive, right? Here is the thing, there are so many people that say they believe in faith, yet, when I hear all of the discouraging words they throw out into the universe and witness their lack of movement toward their goal, I have to wonder, where is the faith?  I have had to ask myself this question. We are all guilty of intermittently letting ours fears or lack of faith extinguish what could have been a great ending or beginning. I actually feel giddy with excitement when I see what happens when I put my faith to work and see others do the same.  Imagine what we could all accomplish in the world for ourselves and our children, if we could all consistently put our faith to work.
Let us just make sure that we are all on the same page. I am discussing the general definition of faith, which is a belief, trust or devotion to a something without tangible proof. It is the muscle behind faith that gets things done. Faith to me is like the energy drink that I sometimes crave to continue on my personal road to success in all aspects of my life.  I have to say that each time I put my faith to work; things have begun to fall into place when I am truly walking on faith.  On the other hand, when I am only hopeful and not completely sold on the idea of obtaining my desire for whatever reason, my desires simply become dreams not realized. 
There are so many explanations for my own lack of faith; too large of an order to fill, I have never done this before or people will think that I am one egg short of a dozen. I could go on and on. The fact of the matter is that it has to begin with me.  Irresolute unsure faith does not cut it. Unwavering, steadfast faith is in order.  I challenge you to stand on these words. Just when you begin to let your own insecurities creep up, have a little self – talk.  Remind yourself to stay on your own personal path, of growth, work hard to achieve those things you want in life and have faith that you will realize those aspirations. 
What are you afraid of and what do you have to lose if you choose to be faith filled? Fear will cripple you before you even get started. To me, fear is such a wasted emotion. Its bark is bigger than its bite as far as your abilities are concerned. Stop it.  This is a particularly touchy subject for me when it comes to people who swear that they walk in faith, yet they are too afraid to try something they may have longed to try.  Some of their fears are based on ideas and not facts and quite simply irrational.  Trust me, you do not want to limit yourself this way, you may be missing out on a whole world of possibilities. Let me be clear, fear certainly does keep us from endangering our lives and in some cases, helps to keep us safe.  For instance, when you see a red “do not cross the street sign”, you had better not otherwise I fear you might be seriously injured or die. 
I am speaking of the sort of fear that keeps you in a place you have grown out of only because you fear what could happen if you change it up a bit. Come on, let us have a little faith. 
Charissa Patterson-Martinez is a wife, mother, daughter and friend. She is also a motivational speaker and writes about inspiring individuals who seek personal empowerment, enrichment and enlightenment. Charissa is originally from Lansing, MI and currently lives in Lens, Belgium. You can reach her at charissa@bephree.com or on Facebook at Be PHREEE
This was printed in the July 1, 2012 – July 14, 2012 Edition