
Fast Facts – 8-24

Dear CADL:

I’ve been trying to find some items in your library catalog and I notice I can search by something called keyword. What is a keyword? Is it the same as my subject? 


Dear Puzzled,

There are differences between these two kinds of searches. A Keyword Search finds the words or phrases you type in, regardless of where they appear in the catalog record. This is especially useful for finding items when you know only a few words in a title. It is a broad search and may return many items, some of which may have nothing to do with what you are looking for. 

A Subject Search is quite different. In this case, “subject” refers to specific Library of Congress Subject headings. The LoC has assigned precise, controlled words and phrases to things so that they are uniform, allowing you to search in most libraries with the same word and come up with books on the same subject. 

The next time you’re in the library, stop at the Reference or Information Desk and we’ll show you how this works.

Dear CADL,

My friends come to the library to send and receive email messages. Will CADL give me an email address, too?

Email challenged

Dear EC:

Congratulations on deciding to join the online community!  FYI (for your information), however, CADL does not issue email addresses host email access. Your friends are using CADL computers connected to the Internet to access their email from free commercial services such as Google, Yahoo, Hotmail and MyWay.

To set up your own email account, visit one of those sites and follow the directions. These are straightforward and take very little time. You’ll be able to start sending and receiving email right away. Stop by the Computer Center on the 2nd floor and pick up a handout with instructions on creating a free email account.  Have fun!

Volunteer @ Your Library
The Capital Area District Library welcomes volunteers at the Library. Working under the supervision of library staff, volunteers provide valuable support and assistance. Not all activities are available at all times or at all locations.

To apply, fill out and sign a Volunteer Application Form  or Court Appointed Community Service Application Form at www.cadl.org, indicate which opportunity you are applying for and send the completed form to:
Volunteer Coordinator
Capital Area District Library
401 S. Capitol
PO Box 40719
Lansing, MI 48901-7919
The form may be faxed to 517.374.1068 or e-mailed to volunteer@cadl.org.

More information about volunteering is included in the Volunteer Handbook located online or call the Volunteer Coordinator at 517.367.6300.

CADL Reference Center
401 S. Capitol Avenue, Lansing, 48933
fastfacts@cadl.org / www.cadl.org