
Fast Facts: Healthy Eating 10-23

By Reference Librarian Eunice B.

Despite all good intentions, the month of December has to be the worst time of the year for maintaining healthy eating habits. And even though I always vow to be prepared and not succumb to temptation, it’s still a struggle not to overindulge in sweet treats and rich foods.

This year, I have decided to arm myself with all the tips and tricks I can find. A great place to start is the Internet, filled with helpful resources on a wide variety of health topics. For example, if you are:

o Diabetic-Check out the American Diabetes Association’s Food & Fitness page. They have hundreds of recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus appetizers and desserts. You can even search for recipes by the main ingredient you want to use. Start at www.diabetes.org, then click on Food & Fitness in the menu at the top.

o Vegetarian-You’ll find delicious recipes on Cooking Light’s Ultimate Holiday Cookbook page. It includes a number of vegan recipes as well. From their homepage at www.cookinglight.com, choose Entertaining from the menu at the top, then Holidays and Occasions.

o Gluten intolerant-Try the website About.com for a selection of gluten-free recipes for the holidays, including many traditional baked treats and candy.  Go to www.about.com, then type “gluten-free holiday recipes” in the search box.

o Cardio conscious-Check out the recipes from Heart Healthy Living. They’ve converted many popular recipes to eliminate the ingredients that lead to heart disease. This way you can be health-conscious and still enjoy treats like hot cocoa mix and cherry bars. From their homepage at www.hearthealthyonline.com, choose Healthy Recipes from the top menu. Then scroll down through the Healthy Recipes menu on the left until you see Holiday Recipes.

Another great place to go for healthy holiday food tips is the library. We have a large collection of books, magazines, DVDs, and specialized databases that can help you get and stay healthy. From our online catalog page at cadl.org/catalog, type subjects like these into the search box: holiday cooking, low-fat recipes, diabetes cooking, gluten-free cooking. Of course you can always visit any Capital Area District Library branch to get personal assistance choosing cookbooks and other resources.

This year, with a little planning and a little help from CADL, we can all enjoy a happy, healthier holiday season!

The Capital Area District Library Reference Department is located inside the Downtown Lansing Library at 401 S. Capitol Avenue in Lansing, MI. Contact them at 517-367-6346 or by e-mail at reference@cadl.org.

This was printed in the December 4, 2011 – December 17, 2011 Edition