
Financial Abuse Hurts as Well! Learn How to Identify the Signs

 By Porsche Miles Grant

It may be an uncommon topic to speak about, but it is a very relevant one. Many women and men are victims of financial abuse. According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, financial abuse is categorized as a common tactic used by abusers to gain power and control in a relationship. The forms of financial abuse may be subtle or overt but in general, include tactics to limit the partner's access to assets or conceal information and accessibility to the family finances. This is very different from helping someone to save, or encouraging responsible money management habits. This type of behavior is wrapped into shame, dependency, and force. My goals are to inspire people to become financial successful, offering resources, tips, tools and advice that helps you to grow mentally, and financially. Anything and anyone contrary to your financial success needs to be identified and removed from your life. Simply because they are inhabitants who block your blessings and effect your goals. 
As individuals, we should be free to make our own decisions in life that affords us opportunities. Such opportunities provide resources that are necessary for us to live a healthy and happy life. Money is a very important resources. It is a symbol of power, control, stability, and wealth. Money talks! With money, people are able to buy what they want, live how they want, save for a rainy day, and participate in activities that attribute to an exciting and worthwhile life. So what happens when you are with someone who is preventing you from striving towards financial success? What happens when your ability to make money is negatively dictated by someone who is supposed to love you? The answer is, you have become a victim of financial abuse, and you must put a stop to it. Nevertheless, with any issues, you must be able to first recognize the problem.
Relationships that govern your drive and force you into career paths that limit your financial state are connected to financial abuse. If it is not your will to be a stay at home mom, or a part-time worker, yet you find yourself in this predicament as a result of an ultimatum given by your partner; financial abuse is being established. Consequently, it is a means to make you more dependent on your partner, which gives them more control, and you less financial stability. Ultimately the abusers wants to keep their partner from achieving success, by disrupting their career path.  The scariest part about this is that if you are not vigilant of what is occurring; love can allow you to succumb to their request. 
However, you cannot love someone more than you love yourself. If you are faced with a partner that keeps track of every dime you spend, and presents you with pain and suffering whenever you veer away from their control. A partner that feeds off of seeing you beg for money that is rightfully yours, in order to buy things you need. A partner that cripples you from being responsible and setting aside money for emergencies, plays minds games about leaving you when you do not do as they say, denies you finances knowing you are in dying need of their support, controls the hard earned money that you have worked hard for, and diligently strives to strip you from financial freedom does not love you. They are your enemy and should be treated as such. Their efforts are grounded in making you rely on them for every want, need, and desire. In turn, you are enslaved to them and a life that is not conducive to what you truly want. It’s time to take a stance, and take actions towards freeing yourself. Learn more about how you can break free by contacting me today.
Porsche Miles-Grant is a Certified Financial Counselor and the CEO and Founder of Financial Success Services, LLC.  She can be contacted at 313-753-2696 at Porsche.miles2288@gmail.com.  She may also be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/financesandeducation/.
This was printed in the October 30, 2016 – November 12, 2016 edition.