Some start with references from a family doctor, or recommendations from friends or co-workers. These are helpful but often very limited. Others head to the Internet for information, which can result in the opposite problem-way too much information. It can be overwhelming to try and navigate your way through dozens, or even hundreds, of medical websites.
What you need is a resource that compares hospitals, physicians and other medical service providers, objectively assessing their effectiveness and reliability. And that’s just what you get from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Department.
At their interactive website at www.medicare.gov, click on the ‘Facilities and Doctors’ tab to:
o Search for a facility or medical provider by name
o Have the system develop a list of possible facilities or providers based on your specific criteria
o Compare hospitals by using location (zip code or city/state) and type
o Compare the quality of nursing homes and/or home health agencies
o Compare drug and health plans
Once you’ve chosen a category, you can further refine your search according to your specific needs. For example, after selecting ‘Compare Nursing Homes,’ you can choose to look only at nursing homes within a retirement community, or only at homes located within a hospital.
Although this tool is located on the Medicare site, it’s not limited to those who are Medicare-eligible. Anyone searching for specific data about health care options will find it useful.
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This was printed in the March 25, 2012 – April 7, 2012 Edition