
For a Summer of Reading, CADL Has You Covered!

Teens loved the Downtown Lansing Library’s henna tattoo workshop offered during 2011’s Summer Reading Program. Courtesy photo

By Lynn Harper, Youth Services Librarian

School is out for the summer, but that doesn’t mean that families are any less busy. Soon the calendar will fill up with hobbies, lessons, camps and trips-all great ways to spend the summer. But one thing kids should always include on the list is reading. Studies have shown that those who don’t read over the summer lose some of their skills and fall behind their peers who do read.

Every year the Capital Area District Library (CADL) helps fight this problem by offering a free Summer Reading program for kids and teens, encouraging them to read for fun and prizes. Nothing is assigned and there are no tests-they can read anything, anytime, anywhere. Books, blogs, magazines, graphic novels-if your child is reading, it counts, simple as that.

Even if long, lazy afternoons curled up with a book aren’t possible for your family, you can still squeeze in some time for reading. Take advantage of the hours spent shuttling the kids to and from their activities. Books and magazines can easily be stored in your car. Listening to audiobooks together is a great way for the whole family to share the experience. And it doesn’t leave out kids who aren’t reading independently yet.

There’s even more opportunity if your family is into downloadables. CADL’s ever-growing collection of eBooks can be used on eReaders, smartphones, tablets and other devices. Even when you’re out of town you can access these. Not only are they free to download, they never have late fees.

The Acting Up Theatre Company got raves from audiences during last year’s Summer Reading Program at CADL. Courtesy photo

To encourage families to keep coming back to the library all summer long, our 13 branches are also offering special performers and events. Bring the kids in to enjoy magicians, live animal shows, storytellers, puppeteers, live theater, musicians and more. Teens and tweens can attend workshops on topics like henna tattooing and manga drawing.

Sign-up begins as soon as school is out. Visit your library for more information, or find details at cadl.org/summer.

The Capital Area District Library Marketing Department is located at 401 S. Capitol Avenue in Lansing, MI. Contact them at (517) 367-6355 or by e-mail at mclarya@cadl.org.

This was printed in the June 1, 2012 – June 16, 2012 Edition