
For Walk-in Absentee Voting in August Primary, Lansing City Clerk Opens South Washington Office to the Public and Announces Weekend Hours

LANSING, MI – With free parking, a 24-hour secure drop box and located on CATA route #2, the South Washington Elections Unit is now open to the public in preparation for the August 2 Election.  Open to the public until Election Day, the South Washington Elections Unit is open Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Located at 2500 S. Washington, with the most convenient entrance in the back of the building, absentee walk-in voting at the Election Unit will also be available on the weekend at the following dates and times:
Sunday, July 24     Noon – 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 30    8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
In addition to the office hours, there is a secure drop box that is available 24 hours-a-day to drop off ballots and absentee ballot applications. Many voters take advantage of the drop box because of the cost and time savings.
Voters are encouraged to go to the Lansing City Clerk Facebook page or lansingmi.gov/elections web page to see the location of the drop box, and a short video on how to access the Elections Unit.
Lansing voters can also come to the City Clerk’s Office on the 9th floor of City Hall during regular business hours, Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., to complete the absentee voter application and ballot. Regardless of location, voters are asked to bring approved picture identification to expedite the process in order to vote in person.  City Hall now has a secure 24 hour drop box outside of front entrance.
Another option is to call the Lansing City Clerk’s Office at 517-483-4133 to have an absentee application mailed or download the form at www.lansingmi.gov/Elections. Applications need to be completed, signed and returned in order to receive a ballot. 
August 2016 Ballot Overview
Along with narrowing the field of candidates for ten elected positions from U.S Representative to Delegates to County Convention, there will also be four proposals that will be on the ballot.  Those proposals are:
Public Transportation System for Elderly and Disabled Millage
Animal Control Shelter Replacement and Operational Millage
Emergency Telephone Service (911 Service) Millage Renewal