
Former Lansing Mayor Hollister to Lead Mayor-elect Virg Bernero’s Transition Team Cooley Law School President Don LeDuc to Serve as Transition Team’s Deputy Director


    LANSING, MI — Mayor-elect Virg Bernero announced on November 9, 2005 that David Hollister, former Lansing Mayor and Director of the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth, will serve as Director of the Mayor-elect Virg Bernero Transition Team.  Mayor-elect Bernero also announced that Don LeDuc, President of Cooley Law School, will serve as Deputy Director of th Mayor-Elect Virg Bernero Transition Team.
    “Mayor Hollister’s leadership is demonstrative of everything a great Lansing Mayor should be,” said Mayor elect Bernero.  “Mayor Hollister raised the bar relative to what Lansing residents expect fro their Mayor, and his impact on Lansing and all of mid-Michigan is immeasurable.”
     “Cooley Law School has been downtown anchor for many years, and has invested millions in downtown Lansing under Don LeDuc’s leadership,” continued Mayor-elect Bernero.  “Don LeDuc has great insight into Lansing’s unique opportunities and challenges.  His years of service to the educational community and to all of Lansing will be a tremendous asset to me as Deputy Director of my transition team.”
    The Mayor-elect Virg Bernero Transition Team structure will include the committees of Economic Growth and Job Creation; Public Safety and Homeland Security; Neighborhoods, Youth Services and Recreation; Arts, Culture, Entertainment and Tourism; Human Capital, Infrastructure and City Services; and Regionalism, Lansing Use and Environment to reflect Lansing’s most important issues.
     The Mayor-elect Virg Bernero Transition Office will be located within the Towne Centre building at 333 S. Capitol Ave. near the Kalamazoo Street intersection in downtown Lansing.  Lansing residents are encouraged to participate in the transition process and express their views on the challenges and opportunities that face the City of Lansing.  
     For more information, log
on to www.lansingsfuture.com or call 517 999-VIRG (8474).