
Girl Scout Collects Boxes of Cookies to Donate to the Homeless Angels

  Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan was formed in 2008 when 7 councils merged to one.

The cookie program is great for girls and it is in most cases girls 
introduction to financial 
The skills the girls gain are:
Business ethics
Goal setting
Money management
People skills
Decision making
These are skills that prepare them for adulthood and prepare them to be tomorrow leaders.
Courtesy photo 
Mike Karl and Leyliana Moreno.  Leyliana collected 132 boxes to be donated to the Homeless Angels.  
LANSING, MI — Marking the 99th year of the first known sale of cookies by Girl Scouts, the 2016 season found more girls learning the basic skills and acumen they needed to be leaders in business and sales, manage their finances, and gain confidence and self-sufficiency in handling money. One hundred percent of the net revenue from Girl Scout Cookie sales stays with the originating council, and the girls decide how their troop cookie money is spent, according to www.girlscouts.org.
This year Girl Scout Troop 30111 decided they were going to go above and beyond and donate boxes of Girl Scout cookies to groups that may not otherwise have access to the iconic cookies.  One of the groups chosen was the Homeless Angels.  The organization houses the homeless at the Magnuson Hotel located at 6501 S. Pennsylvania Avenue in Lansing, MI. 
Leyliana Moreno, who is eight-years-old,  said that after learning that there are many homeless children in the city she wanted to give back. She worked diligently and sold more than 3,600 boxes of cookies while at the same time encouraging friends, family and businesses to donate boxes.  While selling cookies, she continually challenged herself to do more by working long hours to accomplish her goal.  When it was all said and done, she  donated 132 boxes of cookies to the Homeless Angels alone.  
Mike Karl, founder of the Homeless Angels said, “She wanted to give back to the homeless.  Amazingly, she took the lead and started collecting so that the kids who stay at the hotel could enjoy Girl Scout cookies.  She came to the hotel and handed them out personally. Totally awesome girl.  I appreciate the things that young people do for others in our community.”
Girl Scout Troop 3011 will be spending their funds on camping trips, field trips and community service projects.  Leyliana is no stranger to community service, in the past her troop has coordinated a hat and glove drive and a senior citizen shoveling day.
This article was printed in the April 17, 2016 – April 30, 2016