
Help is Available for Veterans

Did you know that approximately 60% of men and 50% of women experience at least one traumatic event.  Of those who do, about 8% of men and 20% of women will develop PTSD.  For events like combat and sexual assault, these rates are even higher.  As of September 2014, there are about 2.7 million American veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan wars. 
 According to RAND, at least 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have PTSD and/or depression.  It is a fact that 50% of those with PTSD do not seek treatment.  Out of the half that do get treatment, only half of them get “minimally adequate treatment” according to the RAND study.  19% of veterans may have traumatic brain injuries.
Local help is available for Ingham County combat veterans.  The Vet Center provides local  veterans who are experiencing readjustment difficulties with free counseling.  Transitioning from the combat military environment to civilian can be difficult.  If you know someone who is going through this process and needs help, please provide them with our phone number (517) 887-4331.  Professional counselors specializing in combat PTSD are available at Ingham County Department of Veteran Affairs on an appointment basis. 
The Lansing Community Outbased Clinic at 2025 S. Washington Street, Lansing, MI also provides mental health counseling.  Veterans will need to enroll for VA medical care by completing VA Fm 10-10ez and forwarding it and a copy of their DD 214  to the enrollment office at Battle Creek VAMC.  If you know anyone that needs assistance with this please have them contact us at (517) 887-4395.

Below are some materials and resources relating to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  Please share these with family, friends and tell them to share with their families and friends. 

 This article was printed in the May 31, 2015 – June 13, 2015 edition.