
Holiday Activities for Kids

Visit the library and make some fun gifts during the holidays.

By Jean Bolley,
Head Librarian at CADL Foster

From now until the end of the year it seems like our schedules get packed with holiday events. While children love a lot of things about the holidays, one downside for them is all the waiting—waiting for dinner to be served, waiting to open gifts, waiting for this, that and the other.

Why not be prepared with some activities for to help them pass the time? The library offers many craft books with projects even the littlest ones can enjoy. Most use household objects and can be done with limited mess. Older kids ones can help younger ones, and as long as everyone remembers that the process is more important than the actual result, it will be fun!

Keeping crayons on hand is a good idea. Many websites have free printable coloring pages for children.

Just search on terms like “coloring pages” and “craft ideas,” or check out sites like FamilyFun.com and dltk-kids.com.

If your gathering involves a mix of ages, get a few adults or older kids to volunteer to read stories.

Better yet, have them tell children some stories of holiday celebrations when they were young. Kids love to hear stories about the “olden days,” as my niece called it. Storytelling is a great way to build relationships between the generations.

Kids of all ages are sure to love the special events coming up this holiday season at Capital Area District

Libraries. Bring them to the Foster branch for a visit from the Rooftop Reindeer on Monday, Dec. 10

from 5-7 p.m. The reindeer will be receiving visitors in the parking lot, but be sure to come inside for some refreshments and crafts. Find a list of all holiday library events at cadl.org/events.

Capital Area District Libraries’ Foster branch is located at 200 North Foster Avenue in Lansing. For information about our hours, services or events, call 517-485-5185 or visit cadl.org.

This was printed in the December 16, 2012 – December 29, 2012 Edition