
‘HOMETOWN IDOL’ Finalists Named

Junior finalists in the Hometown Idol contest were, from left: Allyson Hartley West, Deasia Davis and Sophia Matheson.

DEWITT, MI — Three juniors, three teens and three adults were finalists in the Hometown Idol singing talent showcase held Aug. 20, 2011, at the DeWitt Ox roast in downtown DeWitt.

Contestants competed in the respective age divisions by singing age-appropriate and family-friendly music to a crowd of about 300.  The contest barely finished before Saturday’s storms broke out.

Each of the finalists won a cash prize, trophy and prize pack.  In addition, the finalists in each division will be invited to perform in the Hometown Idol statewide finals to compete against the other Hometown Idol finalists for 2011 and 2012.  Grand prize is an opportunity to record a full-length CD of songs-a $10,000 value.

“We are amazed by the depth of talent exhibited at the competition” said Even Producer Robin Wojta.  “We congratulate all of the finalists for their excellent performances.”  

Finalists in the Junior Division, age 12 and under were: Deasia Avis, 12, of Lansing; Allyson Hartley West, 10, of DeWitt; and Sophia Matheson, 9, also of DeWitt.
Teen Division finalists were John Esch, 17, of Lansing; Emily Hadick, 15, of Holt; and Rachel Curtis, 15, of Lansing.
Adults placing in the top three spots were: Matt Chantelois, 33, of Leslie; Dude Vallin (age unknown), of St. Johns; and Steve Goff, 39, of DeWitt.
Hometown Idol holds singing competitions throughout Michigan and the Midwest.  Singers can sing a cappella, with a karaoke-style music track or accompanied by a musical instrument.  For a calendar of future Hometown Idol competitions or more information, please visit 
This was printed in the August 28, 2011 – September 10, 2011 Edition