
How to: Live eco-friendly

In today’s world of cost-efficient workplaces and hybrid cars, it’s no wonder that eco-friendly trends have carried into the home. Ed Begley, Jr. of HGTV’s "Living With Ed" says there are several quick and easy ways to create an environmentally friendly atmosphere in your home.

"When I recommend that folks pursue energy efficiency, I’m always careful to suggest that they pick the low-hanging fruit first," he says. "That is to say, do all the stuff that is cheapest and the most cost-effective."

Here’s his advice:

1) Replace normal light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. They use a fraction of the energy and they last nine times as long!

2) Energy saving thermostats. For under a hundred dollars, you’ll save a lot on your energy bill by not heating or cooling your home more than you need to be comfortable.

3) Extra insulation. By insulating your attic, or by blowing insulation into your walls, you will save even more on your energy bill, AND you’ll make your house a lot quieter.

4) Double pane windows. If you’re building a new structure, or remodeling, you can save yet again in the energy realm by using state-of-the-art windows.

5) Energy efficient refrigerators. If you’re in the market for a new fridge, you can choose from several energy-efficient models that will help the environment and your budget. A refrigerator uses 25 percent of the energy in most houses.

6) Energy efficient washer and dryer. Like the refrigerator, there’s a lot of electricity to be saved with some of the current models, AND a lot of water.

7) Public transportation. Sadly, it’s not available to everyone in every part of the country, but is available in many places. Use it! It cuts down on pollution, AND traffic congestion.

8) Bike riding. When weather and distance permit, use a bicycle to get around. It’s the best cost and energy-efficient form of ground transportation that man has ever invented.

9) Home gardening. If you have a piece of dirt to call your own, you can save money and have fresh organic produce much of the year in parts of the country. And, you can make your own compost and save a lot on fertilizer!

10) Plant a tree at your home, or in a park. The simple act of planting a tree can save a lot of energy, absorb CO2, retain groundwater, and stop soil erosion.

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