
Increase Your Investing Know-How

Written by Liz Kudwa
A:  We have a wealth of resources available for those interested in monitoring or even handling their own investments.  Some of our more commonly used resources are located in the Business Reference section at the Main Library downtown Lansing.

Value Line Investment Survey & Value Line Mutual Fund Survey
Investment information; analysis of stocks, mutual funds, special situations, options and convertibles.

The Kiplinger Letter
Provides timely business and economic forecasts plus judgments on congressional activity and regulatory actions to help management decision makers profit and prosper. This weekly newsletter reports on trends affecting business costs, personal investments and world affairs.

Louis Rukeyser’s Wall Street & Louis Rukeyser’s Mutual Funds
Provides economic and investment information

In addition to these well respected tools, we also offer two investing databases and a wide variety of investing books that can be taken home.  The databases are Value Line and Standard & Poor’s NetAdvantage and they can be accessed at any of the 13 Capital Area District Libraries.  The Standard & Poorís database is a versatile tool that allows you to search several thousand companies, obtain financial data, including historical data if it’s available, as well as many other pieces of economic and industry news.  In addition, NetAdvantage can be accessed at home or work if it is in our service area.  Visit www.cadl.org/databases/INV.htm to access these great tools!

Occasionally, we also offer classes to provide instruction in the use of the investing databases.  Our next class will be Wednesday, November 1 from 9:00 am to 10:30 am in the Computer Center at the Main Library.  Seating is limited so please call the Computer Center at 517-367-6356 to reserve your spot.