

Have you found yourself trying to get the most out of a 24-hour day, but usually ending up with more to be done – and more stress?

 A talk entitled “Time is Not a Factor in Your Life” describes how to gain dominion over time by understanding better how you can live in the timeless, constant present of the spiritual now.  The 1-hour talk, with opportunity for discussion, is free and open to all on Saturday, April 27, at 2 p.m., and will be held at Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road, East Lansing

 “Understanding more of the spiritual nature of life helps to distinguish between time and timelessness, age and agelessness,” says speaker David Hohle, CSB, of Chicago, who is a spiritual healer and teacher of Christian Science, and he adds:  “This metaphysical insight has a practical effect: it allows you to tangibly experience freedom from limits of time, which supports more productivity and harmony.”

His academic achievements led to an MBA, and Hohle enjoyed a successful career involving graphic arts, promotion, marketing and management–but another career lay ahead of him.  Throughout his boyhood he had seen the advantages of Christian Science in his life, and he grew to experience and witness many instances of God's practical guidance and protection.  In particular, his business career gave him many challenging opportunities to confront the limits of time, and to reach this conclusion:  “You’ve heard that work expands to fill the time available? Well, I’ve noticed the reverse is also true:  time expands to enable what is actually required of that moment.”  

Hohle has identified these key points of his talk:  “Mastering time is not the same as time management.  It’s not learning to get more out of a limited 24-hour day.  Mastering time is realizing that real life does not actually occur within a time framework at all, and time is powerless to limit life.  So you can exercise your God-given freedom from relentless limits of time–age, aging, stress, inefficiency, frustration, past mistakes and missed opportunities.”  He supports these assertions by sharing some of the spiritual ideas he has employed in his healing work for others – and his own cross-country motorcycle trips – to break stressful limitations imposed by time. The ideas are based on The Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.

The talk is sponsored by the Greater Lansing Christian Science Church as a gift to the community – admission, parking and child care are free.