
It’s Improv Night!

 By Charissa Patterson-Martinez
We all have an idea of how we’d like our lives and daily events to flow. I am sure we all have very good reasons doing things that way we do them every day and our minds are set to what we know. What’s that saying, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. That makes sense to me. 
Then one day, life happens and what we know to be regular effects in our lives are gone. The game changes and the world is still spinning. You could have had a life altering experience or a day altering experience. Hold on to the love around you. Even if all you can do is barely get by hold on tight. 
Sometimes things do get broken. Your blueprint to what you thought you knew has been altered now. Now you must improvise. Not all things that you want to get done will fall in line at exactly the right place and time you want them to. That is what life is and you may as well prepare yourself to put on a one man improv show. 
There will be a package that does not come nicely wrapped with a beautiful bow on top. It would be nice if it did, but highly unlikely that it will happen. 
The goal is to not let that set back, bad news, heartache stop you in your tracks, put on your athletic shoes and run with it. On the other hand, you could just be defeated and complain about the horrible predicament that you have found yourself in. Yielding to this feeling of defeat will keep you planted in defeat until you step out of it or you are torn out of it by yet another unpredictable forced of nature. Never get too comfortable with the non-mobile mode frame of thinking it will get you. Do not deny yourself this opportunity to grow. Get creative.
The path that you did not choose for yourself may prove to be just the nudge that you needed and the willingness to go through it holds such an intense feeling of gratification and accomplishment that you wonder why never thought of it before today. 
You just might figure out something about yourself that you did not know or forgot about. The strength, knowledge and endurance that manage to rack up while going through your ordeal proves to be more durable than you remember. 
Your thinking, reasoning and understanding of things are much more sound than ever before all due to inadvertently going through a situation that you did not anticipate and made you all the better for it. Not only did you just add to your personal arsenal of new know how, you have evidence that you can handle anything life throws your way. The skill set that you just picked up reinforces that you have what it takes to get it done. Do not underestimate your ability to get in character and improvise. 
Charissa Patterson-Martinez is a wife, mother, daughter and friend. She is also a motivational speaker and writes about inspiring individuals who seek personal empowerment, enrichment and enlightenment. Charissa is originally from Lansing, MI and currently lives in Lens, Belgium. You can reach her at charissa@bephree.com or on Facebook at Be PHREEE
This was printed in the July 15, 2012 – July 28, 2012 Edition