
Jack Pitts Open Golf Tournament Helps Those in Need

  Dr. Damon Davis, Urologist and Professor at Michigan State University and Jack Pitts holding a check for $3,000 from the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity’s Jack Pitts Open Golf Tournament.  The tournament will be held on Saturday, August 6th. 

About the R. Frank Jones Urological Society 

Dr. Richard Francis Jones, MD., was the first African American to be certified in Urology and the first African American to receive board certification in a surgical specialty. He went on to join the faculty at Howard University College of Medicine. In his memory, the American Urological Association has the “R. Frank Jones Urological Society”. A organization dedicated in his honor and to the advancement of minorities in the Urological field of medicine.

By Jack Pitts, TNCP Community Writer

Folks who grew up in the South during the Jim Crow era of racial segregation know about community.  During this period the laws of the south (and north) made separation of the races in public facilities very clear.  There were separate schools, churches, businesses, and facilities like bathrooms and water fountains for whites and blacks, with accommodations for the latter typically inferior.  Despite these impediments, in the Black community there was a strong sense of Faith which drove Hope, Compassion, and a belief that Education was the best way to help the community and to advance one’s self.

In my childhood community of Decatur, Georgia, on any Friday or Saturday night there would be someone hosting a fish fry, barbecue or house party.  The individuals hosting these affairs were usually trying to raise enough money to pay rent or some other household bill.  And without fail, every weekend folks from the community came out strong to show their support.   This was done, in part, because one never knew when they may be in need of the same kind of help.  Much of this still occurs today in many good community ies around the country.  Unfortunately, it happens less in many distressed Black communities due to the unintended consequences of integration, which created a socio-economic segregation that diminished the ranks of available and capable Black men and women, who could provide the most help; and serve as role models for both our youth, as well as their parents. 

With the Jack Pitts Open Golf Tournament we are trying to bring back that sense of hope, compassion and help for others.   Our Mantra is “It is not about us – but those who we do this for”.  With the help and support of the men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Sigma Upsilon Chapter/Charities (a 501(c) 3 organization), we  have successfully raised some $22,000 in support of cancer awareness over the last two years.  Specifically, in 2014 the golf tournament raised $10,000 for breast cancer awareness; and with recommendations of our co-chair physicians’ awarded four $2,500 checks to non-profit organizations with a demonstrated track record of raising awareness within the black community around breast cancer.  Notably; the Sister’s Network, It’s a Breast Thing, Michigan Public Health Institute, and Sparrow Hospital Cancer Unit.  

For 2015, the tournament raised over $12,000 in support of prostate cancer screening  and presented checks as follows:  $5,000 to fellow Detroiter – Dr. Isaac Powell for his research in Prostate Cancer at Wayne State University; $4,000 to the Sparrow Hospital Cancer Center; and $3,000 to the R. Frank Jones Society for dedicated prostate cancer research.

We could not have accomplished this without the support of corporate and individual sponsors, as well as our physician, and community leader partners serving as Honorary Chairs; providing valuable input regarding the purpose of the event.  As with any event, success is contingent on the commitment of dedicated volunteers, which we have been fortunate to have the past two years, and we have witnessed significant growth in the field of players as well.  

On August 6, 2016, we will hold the Annual Jack Pitts Open Golf Tournament at Centennial Acres Golf Course in Sunfield, Michigan. The course is located at 12485 Dow Road.  

Printed in the July 24, 2016 – August 6, 2016 edition.


Our goal will be to raise resources towards increasing awareness and suppression of Kidney Disease.   We try to have an event that all can enjoy with $2,000 in cash purses, great gifts for each golfer, and free food and drink.   Please join us and help sell out next year’s event!   And remember “It Is Not About Us – But Those Who We Do This For”. 


For more information on next year’s event contact Jack Pitts at jnpitts@comcast.net , or see the web site at www.golfoutingpro.com/event/jackpittsopen.