
Job Seekers: Census 2010 is Hiring Now!

Here’s how accepting a job can affect your unemployment benefits…

If your job with the Census is part-time, then you may be able to collect some of your unemployment benefits at a reduced rate, if:

• The weekly earnings from your Census job do not exceed one and a half times your weekly unemployment benefit payment.

If your Census job is full-time, then:

• You must stop claiming unemployment benefits while working, and

• You may be able to reopen your existing unemployment claim or file a new claim once your Census job ends and you become unemployed.

Remember: While you are receiving unemployment benefits, you are required to seek work during each week you are claiming benefits, and you cannot refuse an offer of full-time suitable work without good cause. For more detailed information about how a job with the Census could affect your unemployment benefits, call the Unemployment Insurance Agency at:  1-866-500-0017 (Select option #3)

Or visit one of UIA’s Problem Resolution Offices in: Detroit Gaylord Livonia Mt. Clemens Pontiac Saginaw Muskegon Marquette Lansing Grand Rapids