
Job Seekers: CNA

Do you know anyone who is receiving unemployment benefits or has recently exhausted unemployment benefits?  If they are looking for a job as a Certified Nursing Assistant, there is FREE training .

Please feel free to forward this information.

For more information concerning this opportunity please contact:  Tammy Gilroy, Project Management Technician Business & Community Institute/LCC (517) 483-1180 or gilroyt@lcc.edu
FREE CNA Training Available from LCC
Who: Any individual who is eligible for WIA Dislocated Worker services and interested in Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Training. (Dislocated refers to anyone receiving unemployment benefits or has recently exhaust
ed unemployment benefits.)
What: An opportunity to get trained as a CNA and earn college credit!
Where: CNA training will be provided at Lansing Community College.
When: Training begins on Tuesday, April 19, 2011 and runs until May 31, 2011. Schedule for lecture and lab is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 1:30pm -9:00pm at Lansing Community College. Clinical instruction is Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from May 18-31, 2011 from 3:00pm-9:30pm at Ingham County Medical Care Facility.
Requirements:  Must attend one informational session to be held at LCC, West Campus to determine WIA eligibility on March 3, 2011 from 3pm-4pm. If you are interested in this program, please call the Business & Community Institute at 517-483-1857.
Work Keys and LCC placement tests are also used for participant screening. Participants selected for this training must take an additional 32-hour Employability Skills class offered at LCC, West Campus as part of this class. (Dates TBD)
If selected for this training, you must have a negative 2-step TB Skin Test prior to clinical experience. (Test procedure will be discussed at the class orientation.)
For more information, please contact Tammy Gilroy, Project Management Technician Business & Community Institute/LCC (517) 483-1180 or gilroyt@lcc.edu