
Just Plain Selfish: Best Practices

By Kris Walker

For most people the goal is to be the absolute best version of yourself. However, it is easy to become so preoccupied with completing the multitude of tasks on our daily to-do lists, that we are unaware of how we may be presenting ourselves to this life each day. That does not mean that at the moment you are not doing your best. However, with proper planning, preparation and a few best practices, you can find areas for improvement and time that could be saved and used to benefit other areas of your life.
Working to be your best is not the same as striving for perfection. This instead is being mindful of the ability that you have to be an awesome you. Balancing emotions, family, work and other relationships can become so overwhelming that we often switch on auto pilot without even realizing it. To avoid this pitfall we will explore and put a spin on some common best practices. 
Your personal needs, desires and goals should be at the forefront of your mind when making decisions. Who else is planning those things for you? Once you are more consumed by chores and external relationships, you run the risk of neglecting and damaging the bond that you have with yourself. Try not to lose sight of the main goal, which is being well and enjoying this one time experience of life. So going forward here are a couple of additions to some common practices:
Say what you mean, and mean what you say, but also reserve the right to change your mind in order to refrain from placing yourself in a situation you no longer feel comfortable with. 
Don’t take things personally, unless you feel they are. Trust your feelings. Consider the offense and the motive behind it, intent is everything! 
Be particular about the company you keep. Avoid at all cost people who attack you personally, it’s not rude it’s self-care. There are over a billion people on the planet, choose those who choose you. 
Don’t toot your own horn, unless no one else is tooting it for you. It’s okay to be your biggest fan, top supporter and personal advocate. 
Use your voice, but pick your battles, everything does not deserve your reply. 
You define the rules and best practices as you learn your way in life. Establish boundaries in your personal and professional life and clearly communicate them. Allow yourself room to grow. Do not limit your own development by remaining in situations that no longer fit the vision you  have for your journey. Everything that is healthy grows in one way or another. In this new year envision yourself flourishing in spirit, health and finances. 
Kris Walker is a native Detroiter and serial social entrepreneur. She is the mother of two children she proudly homeschools. Professionally she is a Life Coach and Mentor. Kris has a passion for writing and helping others find tools that will help then uncover their true selves.