
Just Plain Selfish: Use Your Words Wisely

By Kris Walker

Using the example of religion, we see the power of words. Words were used to create the earth, command the stars and to help us communicate with one another.

Often we speak without giving thought to the true power of our words. The emotions behind your words are a powerful enough force to break a spirit, bruise a heart and shatter an ego. But words also have the magical ability to create emotional bonds, help heal the mind or even assist you in the manifestation of a miracle.

Consider the effects that harsh words have had on you personally, whether from a friend or complete stranger. At some point in your life you have probably been cheered up or given hope by a few kind words. Equally you might have been emotionally battered or infuriated by something spoken to you.

Now consider the damage done when you speak harshly of yourself. The acts of self sabotage begin with our thoughts, then our words. We are what we think, say and believe. These things dictate our actions.

Imagine being told from the age of understanding that you could be or do anything you so desired within your lifetime. That you are powerful and have a rightful place in this world no matter the circumstances of your birth or your family structure. Think of all the goals that you would have attempted and attained with that level of confidence and encouragement. Greatness has been known to grow from small seeds planted by combinations of powerful words.

No matter the direction of your life  currently. You have the power of your words to help create a better situation. With your words you can help your mind to see the bright side or possibly paint a prettier picture. Once your words have created a glimmer of hope within your mind, you will be inspired to align your actions. I encourage you to follow through and begin to take small steps towards healing in all areas of your life. Use the power of your words wisely.

Remember prayer, poetry and song are all words in motion that can be used to lift the spirits and soothe the soul. Lift your voice this holiday season and give the gift of kind words to friend and strangers alike.

Kris Walker is a native Detroiter and serial social entrepreneur. She is the mother of two children she proudly homeschools. Professionally she is a Life Coach and Mentor. Kris has a passion for writing and helping others find tools that will help then uncover their true selves.