
Just Plain Selfish: Victory Lap

 By Kris Walker

To the pleasure of many and dismay of some, history has been made by the citizens of the United States voting the first female and African American Vice President into office.
This election, pandemic and all the resulting consequences of both have been both trying and taxing on the hearts, minds and souls of the people. 
Since the final count was submitted and the winner announced, there have been celebrations erupting across not only the country but the world. 
Women, for centuries have been the care takers of many communities. In many aspects however, our work, fight for equality and innumerable successes have been downplayed or ignored. 
Today as we stand, united again, we should salute one another and take a bow.
The road to victory was paved by four years of extremely toxic behavior by our nation's leaders. 
This victory is for us all as a people. Applaud yourself and take a victory lap through your mind as you recall with gratitude the days of past, because if you are reading this, you survived! 
Although the fight is not over I believe the best is yet to come. Be kind. Be kind to yourself and your fellow man. 
Despite the side you chose in the election, going forward we are now in this together, at least for the next four years. 
You stood up, you were counted and you contributed to a positive change. 
This victory lap is for our new Vice President elect Kamala Harris and for you. Cheers!
Kris Walker is a native Detroiter and serial social entrepreneur. She is the mother of two children she proudly homeschools. Professionally she is a Life Coach and Mentor. Kris has a passion for writing and helping others find tools that will help then uncover their true selves.