
Lansing Artist Introduces Children to Adverse Impact of Bullying in Colorful Picture Book

In ‘Does This Make You a Bully,’ author Julian Van Dyke teaches kids about how their words and actions affect their peers using whimsical rhymes and stuffed-animal characters

LANSING, MI — Author and artist Julian Van Dyke has published an educational and inclusive children’s book that explores the nuances of bullying and teaches young people about its negative impact on others.

Guided by colorful illustrations, “Does This Make You a Bully” employs whimsical rhymes to introduce kids to different types of bullying, both in-person and online, such as teasing, physically harming, gossiping about, or threatening others. Van Dyke’s book promotes empathy for those who are bullied and guides children to understand how bullying can emotionally damage others.

An excellent tool for teachers, parents, counselors, school administrators, guardians, and other adults who work with children, “Does This Make You a Bully” uses illustrations of animals to ensure children from all backgrounds can connect with the characters and simplifies difficult conversations about bullying so that kids can better grasp its long-term negative impact.

“I wrote this book because it is one of the main conversations that is contemporary in our schools today,” Van Dyke said. “The key messages I hope to give direction to through my work are have respect for one another, provide support to those in need through reading and storytelling, spend time exploring our history, and have fun! ‘Does This Make You a Bully’ is perfect for anyone who loves to read, color, write, and listen to stories.”

Ultimately, “Does This Make You a Bully” encourages kids to spread love to their friends, classmates, and family members so they can build lasting social connections and community instead of tearing others down.
Julian Van Dyke is an artist and children’s book author. Van Dyke was born in Benton Harbor, Mich., and he has been passionate about art since he was young. He further honed his artistic skills at Lansing Community College as an adult, and his murals are prominently featured throughout Michigan Avenue as well as in some school districts. Van Dyke also has work displayed at Cooley Law School, The Eyde Company, Clark and Hill Law Offices, and the School of Business and Engineering Building at Michigan State University. In addition to “Does This Make You a Bully,” Van Dyke is also the author of “Juneteenth, Celebrating Freedom,” “Mimi & Leo,” “So You Think You Can Color?,” “Things We Do at My School,” and “The Music We Call Jazz.” He currently resides in Lansing, MI. To learn more, please visit www.vandykeart.com.

 To  order “Does This Make You a Bully” by Julian Van Dyke
ISBN: 978-1-7960-9989-8 (softcover); 978-1-7960-9988-1 (e-book) are both available through Xlibris, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon.