

By Rev. John H. Burns II
It takes a man. Mothers can nurture, encourage and support but it takes a man to guide a youngster through the maze that is the transition from adolescence to adulthood. The leadership qualities you have shown uniquely qualify you for the task we face. 
The Social Justice Committee of the Greater Lansing Clergy Forum has called a Men’s Summit for Saturday, October 12,  2013 to more fully equip men deal with the issues they face to help prevent travesties such as the Trayvon Martin slaying. 
The Summit will be held at the West Campus of Lansing Community College 5708 Cornerstone Lansing 48917 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.
The Greater Lansing Clergy Forum has partnered with Lansing Community College, NAACP-Lansing Chapter, State Representative Andy Schor, Mayor Virg Bernero and  leaders from every sector of our community– business, education, judicial, political, and health to deal with  issues of Federal, State, and local law enforcement; mentoring and accessing the resources available for our children; and the awarding of scholarships.  
Workshops will address: 1) re-employment training grants, skilled trades opportunities and job readiness preparation; 2) the affordable healthcare act, what you are entitled to and how to access; 3)   expunging juvenile court records,  prisoner re-entry programs, and alternatives to sentencing; and 4) mental health, how to cope with the stress young people face daily.
Trayvon Martin’s death has sparked a national conversation about racism, gun violence, and justice in America, but talking is NOT ENOUGH.
Mark the date October 12, and attend the Men’s Summit at the West Campus of Lansing Community College, 5708 Cornerstone, Lansing, MI 48917 from 10 a.m. until 3.p.m.

Rev. John H. Burns II is on the Social Justice Committee for the Greater Lansing Clergy Forum

This was printed in the September 8, 2013 – September 21, 2013 Edition