
LCC Names Dr. Judith F. Cardenas President into 2008


LANSING, MI –The Lansing Community College Board of Trustees has approved a new contract for Dr. Judith F. Cardenas as President, removing the word “Interim” from her title and extending her contract until June 30, 2008.  The Trustees approved this contract at their December 11, 2006 regular meeting.

President Cardenas was “deeply honored” by the Trustees’ action and confidence in her leadership.  “I believe this will allow me to continue the development of my leadership team, to continue to create momentum, to move the institution forward," she said.

“I couldn’t be more thrilled to know that President Cardenas will be with the College in the coming year,” said Doug Stites, CEO of Capital Area Michigan Works!

Don LeDuc, President of the Thomas M. Cooley Law School was also excited about the appointment: “The decision of the Lansing Community College Board of Trustees to name Judith Cardenas as President and extend her contract to mid-2008 is good news for the Lansing community.  As a former LCC student and a supporter of LCC, I look forward to continuing the excellent working relationship that Cooley Law School has had with both its President and its Board.”

Cardenas, a native of Texas, previously served as Dean of Student & Academic Support and Quality at LCC prior to being named Interim President on February 10, 2006.  Prior to her tenure at LCC, Cardenas had served as Vice President of Teaching & Learning at Mountain View College in Dallas, Texas, and as Director of Corporate & Community Development at Northwest Vista College in San Antonio, Texas.  Cardenas also served as a tenured Assistant Professor of Biology and Chairperson of the Science & Engineering Department at Palo Alto College in San Antonio.

President Cardenas has a doctorate in Education Administration from Baylor University, and is currently completing a second doctorate in Training & Performance Improvement from Capella University.  The President also holds two Master of Science degrees in Biology and Nutrition, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology.

LCC faculty were excited with the action of the Trustees.  Cindy Storie, President of MAHE, the faculty union, said “The faculty association is encouraged by the LCC Board of Trustees insight to entrust the leadership of the College to Dr. Judith Cardenas.”   The faculty union represents the nearly 3,000 faculty members of the institution.

LCC Administrator and President of the LCC Labor Coalition, Lynn Savage said “The LCC Labor Coalition is pleased that the Board of Trustees has extended Dr. Cardenas’ contract and acknowledged their confidence in her leadership by removing the interim from her title.  We have enjoyed working with her during this past year and are very much looking forward to continuing to work with her in the future.”

"Lansing Community College is a great institution,” said Chris Laverty, Chair of LCC’s Board of Trustees. “President Judith Cardenas has served the College well. She has clearly demonstrated her ability to lead LCC and to be a force for positive change. The Board has expressed confidence in President Cardenas and the Trustees look forward to working with her on the many challenges that face the College now and in the future.  Working together, Lansing Community College will be an institutional model for leading innovation within Michigan and the nation."