
Learn About Chickens and Coops

Corie Jason’s family raises chickens in Lansing. Her library presentation helped inspire others to start their own projects. Courtesy photo

LANSING, MI — Starting in April, the Capital Area District Library began hosting a series of presentations called Farm to Table: Better Food for Better Health. It supports the idea that producing, purchasing and consuming food close to home results in a greener planet and healthier population.

The local experts making presentations have inspired community members to turn to local food sources. Here at CADL, one of our staff members has taken on the challenge in a big way. Heather Goupil, a circulation clerk at CADL Downtown Lansing, had begun noticing colorful hens dotting the yards in her Lansing neighborhood.


The first order of business when starting a chicken coop —clearing a space in the backyard.


“I was planning a backyard renovation project anyway,” she said. “So I immediately began to think of how to incorporate chickens. I’m a little light on animal husbandry experience, so first on the agenda was research.”


A library presentation called Raising Backyard Chickens, presented by local chicken owner Corie Jason, provided just what Goupil was looking for. Jason pointed out the many benefits of her hobby, including fresh eggs, manure for compost, and pest control. Her workshop covered everything from where to get chickens and supplies to how to care for the birds in each season.

Inspired, Goupil began prepping her backyard. “I needed to clear some space and start building a 60 square foot coop,” she said. She also sought support from neighbors who have already raised chickens successfully. “Hearing their stories made the project seem a little less overwhelming.” 

Now Goupil is chronicling her chicken raising adventures in a bi-monthly blog series on the library website. Check out her progress every other Thursday at cadl.org/blog. 

For more about raising chickens and other Farm to Table topics, including recommended reading lists, check out the resources at cadl.org/farm. You’ll also find a complete list of presentations at any CADL branch.  

The Capital Area District Library Marketing Department is located at 401 S. Capitol Avenue in Lansing. Contact the staff at (517)367-6355.

This was printed in the May 20, 2012 – June 2, 2012 Edition