By Tom Lagana and Laura Lagana
from “The Quick and Easy Guide to Project Management”
Know what works best for you. There is more than one recipe for success, so sculpt it to meet your needs and lifestyle. Keep an open mind and consider that, regardless of how ridiculous your approach sounds to someone else, if it works for you it doesn’t matter what others think.
Knowing what you should do and then actually doing it are distinctly different. Common sense isn’t always common practice. When you yearn for something new or have a burning desire for more abundance in your life, write it down and visualize it happening. Getting enough sleep, practicing healthy eating habits, exercising, taking time for hobbies, making new friends, and maintaining existing positive relationships are examples.
Arrive at work early, and seize the quiet time of day, free of interruptions. Start working your plan. If you can’t see your way clear to arrive early every day, then set a goal to be an early-bird for only one day each week. To make big changes, begin with small steps. Remember the question: “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Working for only half an hour without interruption could equate to what you would usually accomplish in one or two hours of your normal work day.
Plan your work, and work your plan. Determination and persistence pay off. Most people give up too soon. When you are persistent you have an advantage over the more experienced or gifted competition. Everyone is unique. Instead of comparing yourself to others, be the best “you” that you can be. There is no substitute for common sense.
Co-author “Chicken Soup for the Volunteer’s Soul,”
“Chicken Soup for the Prisoner’s Soul,”
“Serving Time, Serving Others” and “Serving Productive Time”
Tom Lagana ~ (302) 475-4825 – PO Box 7816 , Wilmington , DE 19803 ~ TomLagana@yahoo.com ~ http://www.TomLagana.com
March 27, 2011 – April 9, 2011