
Local Accountant Provides Assistance During the Most “Taxing” Time of Year

By Ralph Kowalski
The New Citizens Press
    LANSING, MI — At a time when most small businesses are struggling for answers to keep afloat in this recessionary economy, C.L. Moore & Associates, P.C.  Lansing’s only African-American full-time Certified Public Accounting firm, is thriving! The firms managing partner, Charles L. Moore, is enthusiastic, optimistic, and leads a staff of 3 full-time accountants and Executive Assistant, with passion and vision.  Moore knows were he is going and has strategically placed his firm in the growing segment of accounting, called Management C  onsulting.
    Charles L. Moore birthed his accounting business in 1989, working in this arena on a part-time basis.  He has since grown the business to a viable, profitable, full-time accounting practice, located in the heart of Lansing’s Downtown Business District.  C.L. Moore & Associates, P.C. unique service is providing leased Chief Financial Officer (CFO) service to small and medium size business.  The firm handles the day to day activities of a company’s operation which includes: Cash Management, Cash Flow Analysis, Payroll Services, Bank Reconciliation, Bill Paying, Accounts Receivable, Invoicing, Loan Negotiations, with the ability to provide more services upon request.  This CFO service is similar to having an in-house finance director but with no fringe benefits, at an affordable flat fee.  The client receives full access to the firms’ human resources and accounting experts.  This offers a small to medium size business the opportunity to utilize a full accounting department for the cost of an internal accountant.
    C.L. Moore & Associates, P.C. does provide small businesses assistance in obtaining financing which includes but not limited to; start up capitol, equipment financing, operating lines of credit, and special needs.  Mr. Moore’s seven and ? years in the bank regulatory field makes him uniquely qualified to analyze financial information and company future plans to compose a successful loan request to a financial institution. With conviction, Moore states “it is impossible for a small business owner to grow without personal wealth or access to the capitol market place”.   For example, most small business owners rob Peter to pay Paul. When Peter doesn’t pay, Paul (your creditors) this changes the company’s relationship with your vendors which only compounds the cash flow problem.
  Moore has seen this situation on several occasions and has assisted company management in assessing the problem and devising turn around strategies to sustain the business operation for the long haul.   Sometimes, this advice leads to a company closing its doors because of the operations inability to become profitable due to late request for   expert, consulting assistance from management.  Moore states that although this is a sad reality, it’s true in some cases involving small to medium sized businesses.  However, C.L. Moore & Associates, P.C. is committed to disseminating the best advice and accounting needs to their clients. In addition to the Management Consulting Service, Moore’s firm also provides tax services to individuals, businesses, estates, trusts, and non-profit entities. 
    Moore encourages his individual (non-business) tax clients to look at their households as a small business.  He says they should “set a budget and follow it.  He also states that most financial problems arise in dual income families.  In these households you have two nice cars, high insurance, vacations, a house on the hill and private schools for the kids.  “Everything goes into image with nothing going into a savings accounts.”   Moore says that often in African American families the need to assist extended family can cause financial problems as well.  Bottom line he says, families must establish realistic budgets which include saving and stick to them.
    As far as his personal professional goal(s) are concerned, Moore says, “he continues in his aspiration in becoming a successful business man.” The source of his success has been based on hard work, persistence, and diversification.
    Aside from heading his firm, Moore serves in other areas of the Lansing community.  He is an active member of Friendship Baptist Church and an active member of the Lansing area graduate chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.  Additionally, he serves on several boards, including the Oak Park YMCA.  He is a past president of the Lansing Micro Enterprise fund and a past treasurer of Franklin Street Housing Coalition.  Much of Moore’s time is also spent with his 9-year old daughter Brianna, and fiance Angela Corley.
   Moore considers the services that he provides to the Lansing community as valuable and unique.  He believes the services provided are based on common-sense approaches to finances.  In the words of one his former teachers ‘everyone needs a scorekeeper’.  Charles L. Moore prides himself on being of assistance to those who seek to be serviced by C.L Moore & Associates, P.C.   He says, “I am going to answer your management and tax questions, however come with an open mind and be prepared for honesty and truth concerning your circumstance and/or situation.”  For more information he may be reached at 517-371-2817.