
Local Group Helps Transforms Boys to Men

LANSING, MI — The Turning Point of Lansing gives male students in grades 7 through 12 in the Tri-County area cultural, developmental and emotional support through the direct and regular interaction with our elders. Grounded by Nguzo Saba, The 7 Principles of Kwanzaa, The Turning Point of Lansing is a change agent for young African American males in the Greater Lansing area. Our monthly educational sessions help our charges understand and define their emerging roles in our homes, communities and society at-large. The culmination of our program activities is our Rites of Passage Ceremony. The Rites of Passage recognizes participant accomplishments, personal growth, and the symbolic transition of graduating senior students into manhood, as they take their place amongst their elders.
1. Anthony L. Budd
    Sexton High School
    Western Michigan University
Anthony L. Budd is the son of Weylin Looney and Jamie Budd. He is a member of Union Missionary Baptist Church in Lansing, MI. He has been a member of The Turning Point of Lansing since 2009. He is also an employee with the Burger King Corp, as well as his own Lawn Care business.
Anthony is very active in athletics, leadership development and volunteerism. He participated in the Pittsburgh Project, in Pittsburgh, PA; a service learning organization that fosters student leadership through partnering of college and high school students with professional staff to effect home repairs and other housing renewal projects for communities in need. In addition, Anthony participated in various baseball, basketball, football and soccer camps.
Some of the awards Anthony received during his high school career are: three letters for Varsity Football and Varsity Track, two letters for Varsity Wrestling, Honorable Mention, All-Conference for the Capital Area Activities Conference in Football his junior and senior seasons, the Lyle McFadden, Sr. Toughman Award and the Scout Team Player of the Year for both offense and defense in Varsity Football.
Anthony will graduate from J.W. Sexton High School and is planning to attend Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI where he will study Sports Management. He seeks to take his passion for and experience playing football and learn about the business side of the sport.
2. David Ryan DeMyers
    Waverly High School
    Lansing Community College
David Ryan DeMyers is the son of Alesia DeMyers. He is a member of the Epicenter of Worship Church in Lansing, MI. At the tender age of four, David landed his first job: a role in the Broadway play, “Ragtime”. He played the part of Little Coalhouse. David is very active in his church community and is eager to learn more about The Almighty God. Throughout his high school years, David participated in his church as a member of his Youth Praise Team, and his singing group “Chosen”, singing throughout the Michigan area at different churches, as well as the City of Lansing’s Mayoral address.
Some of the awards and achievements David has received while in high school are: Student Leadership Award, Class President from 09-11, Student Leader at Lansing Campus Life, & Breakfast with the Waverly Community Schools Superintendent and Principal. He has served as a proud member of the Waverly High School Black Student Union where they’ve completed numerous community service projects, serving food to the homeless, picking up trash in their local community, making blankets for the homeless and much more.
David is graduating from Waverly High School and plans to attend Lansing Community College for two years before transferring to a Christian college where he will major in Theology. His chosen career path is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all four corners of the Earth. David has selected this career path because of his love and passion for The Word of God.
3. Steven Curtis Liddell, Jr. 
    Holt High School
    University of Missouri 
Steven Curtis Liddell, Jr. is the son of Mr. Steven C. Liddell, Sr. and Mrs. Tamiko Liddell and older brother of Pierre Liddell.  He is a member of Union Missionary Baptist Church in Lansing, MI where he actively participates in Sunday School and is a “Be a Star Tutor” for the Education Ministry volunteering and tutoring children Kindergarten to 3rd Grade on phonics, spelling and reading. Steven has participated in the Youth Ministry Easter and Christmas church programs. 
Steven consistently gives back to his community and has been volunteering since entering middle school. He has volunteered over 400 hours at: The Capital Area Humane Society,  The Turning Point of Lansing, Volunteers of America, Advent House of Lansing, NAACP, Black Lawyers Association Conference, National Honor Society, Holt Food Drive, Lansing Homeless Shelter, Ingham County 4-H, Washington Woods Middle School, Special Olympics, Cancer Centers and The Boys and Girls Club of Lansing. Some of Steven’s activities included mentoring and tutoring students, raking and cleaning yards, assisting special needs children, ushering, fundraising, peeling sweet potatoes, serving salad, packing food for distribution, donating food, walking animals in the neighborhoods and taking care of animals at the shelter.
Steven participated in Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP) for two years, Michigan State University Health Professions Summer Scholar Academy for two years, and Tuskegee Vet Step II program, which honors only 25 students from across the continental USA.  This was a very competitive program where Steven acquired the language of veterinarians, performed animal dissections and worked in laboratories.  Steven participated on the Holt Varsity Football Team, Holt High School Varsity Bowling Team, German Club, National Society of High School Scholars, National Honor Society, Concessions Stand for The Turning Point of Lansing and Ingham County 4-H, Senior Counselor for the Capital Area Humane Society and Cavy Leader of the 4-H Golden Stride Riders.
Steven received an Academic Achievement Award for GPA 3.5 to 3.99, Honor Roll, All-Academic Awards for the 2011 and 2012 Football season and 2011 Bowling season. Steven earned Varsity letters for Football and Bowling, the I Dare You Award, President’s Volunteer Service Gold Award, 2012 Cappex Student Athlete of the Year Scholarship, 2013 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Citizenship Award, 2013 Links Scholarship, 2013 Michigan 4-H Rabbit and Cavy Scholarship, Michigan State University Pre-College Scholarship, Kansas State University Midwest Student Exchange Scholarship, Tuskegee Academic Achievement Scholarship, University of Missouri Diversity Tuition Scholarship and University of Missouri Scholarship Award. Steven is a four year member of The Turning Point of Lansing.  He is currently employed part-time with Hyacinth House Greenery.
Steven is graduating from Holt High School and plans to attend the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri. Steven plans to major in Animal Science. His passion for animals started when he was seven and each year it just increased. He has chosen to become a veterinarian because the thought of being able to work around animals all day and dedicate your life to helping them, just is amazing to him. Steven knows becoming a veterinarian is a calling from God to him to fulfill his purpose and help animals have better lives.
4. Micah Joel Thompson
    Okemos High School
    Brown University
Micah Joel Thompson is the son of Evelyn Thompson and Charles Dauphin, Jr. He is a member of Ebenezer Baptist Church. When Micah was little, he would walk around with his Fisher Price doctor’s bag, and diagnose his pets’ ailments. He has always wanted to become a doctor.
Micah has always been very active in sports. Micah started out playing basketball, football, baseball and soccer. He played on the Chippewa 8th grade basketball team and the Okemos High School Freshman Football team. He began swimming the summer before his freshman year, and has been in the water ever since. After discovering his love for the water, Micah gave up the other sports in order to focus on water polo and swimming. This focus paid off with very successful seasons in both sports. He has lettered in both sports for the past three years. Last year, Micah was part of a 400 freestyle relay team that broke the Okemos High School pool record, and had the opportunity to participate at the State swim meet in the 200 freestyle relay and 200 medley relay. This year, he serves as a captain for the water polo and swim teams. Micah led his team to its’ first-ever Regional Championship game in water polo. Micah hit the game-winning goal to send his time into the Championship game. The team ended the season ranked 8th in the state. 
On January 10, 2013, Micah was a member of the 200 medley relay team that broke the Okemos pool record. The 400 freestyle, 200 free style and 200 medley teams have already qualified for the State swim meet. Micah made the Capital Area Activities Conference All-Conference team (swimming 2011 and 2012), Academic All-Conference (swimming-2011and 2012, water polo 2011 and 2012), All-Regional Honorable Mention (swimming) and Academic All-State (swimming 2011, 2012 and water polo 2012). Micah has also been selected as an Academic All-American (water polo 2011 and swimming 2012). Micah’s favorite memories include being a part of the League Championship swim team for the last three years.
Outside of academics and sports, Micah is actively involved in community work. Micah is a member of the National Honor Society and the Earth Club. He also volunteers frequently to Habitat for Humanity, the Nature Center, local recycling drives, the annual Jazz Festival and Toys for Tots. Micah served as an assistant coach for the Michigan Crossover, a Nike basketball travel team. 
Micah is graduating from Okemos High School and plans to attend Brown University.  His other choices were Swarthmore College, Northwestern University or Emory University. He plans to major in Chemistry and Computer Science.  His ultimate goal is to become a neurosurgeon. Micah would like to thank The Turning Point of Lansing Elders and brothers for supporting and believing in him over the past year. The skills that he has gained will last a lifetime and will allow him to become a better citizen, student and man.
5. David Scott Travis 
    Holt High School
David Scott Travis, known to most people as “Scotty”, is the son of David E. Travis, step-mother Angela Travis, and mother, Joyce Scott Travis (deceased).  Scotty is a member of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in Lansing, MI. He also performs percussionist for Friendship Baptist Church in Lansing. Scotty and his Dad travelled around Michigan with the Clare Burt Baseball teams during the summers. He was often at Olivet College and Central Michigan University for baseball camps. Scotty has played on the Holt High School Football and Baseball teams. He currently holds the position of baseball umpire for the City of Lansing, Parks and Recreation Department.
Scotty is a member of the Holt High School Jazz band, the symphony orchestra and the marching band. He received certificates for participation at Grand Valley University, Central Michigan University and Eastern Michigan University for participation in band camps. Scotty actually tried out for the Bowling team for Holt three times before he made the team as a senior. He was originally on the JV team, but worked his way to Varsity midway through the season.  Scotty received Varsity letters for Band and Bowling.
Scotty is very helpful at home and likes to help people in the community. He worked at the scorer’s table during basketball season and filmed games for the Holt High School Varsity Basketball team. Scotty has been in The Turning Point of Lansing for the past two years. Scotty gives thanks to the Elders of the Turning Point of Lansing for mentoring a future leader and mentor.
Scotty’s drumming has been so proficient that he has been offered scholarships for Music Studies. He is in the process of making his final decision. He is also interested in Communications, Biology and Physical Therapy and will find a way to tie all these diverse interests together somehow.
6. Therman Jerome Wills 
    Everett High School
    Olivet College
Therman J. Wills, Jr. is the son of Therman Wills, Sr. and Minister Brenda Wills. He is a member of Union Missionary Baptist Church of Lansing, MI. During his elementary and middle school years, Therman was a member of Cub Scout Pack 498, Lewton Elementary School. He earned numerous badges. Therman attends Sunday school faithfully. He served as an usher, and is a part of the Young People’s Department Ministry (YPD). 
Also very active in athletics, Therman was a member of the Lighting Lynx Track Club as well as a member of the Everett Viking Track Team. Therman received varsity letters from Cross Country and Track and Field. He received 1st 2nd and 3rd place medals and various awards at meets and events. Therman works a student Librarian at Everett High School.
He has participated in The Turning Point of Lansing and the “Y” Achievers for four years. Therman served as a volunteer representative for the Annual Martin Luther King Luncheon in 2011 and 2012.  He also worked on Commissioner Dale Copedege 2012 campaign for 68th District State Representative Seat and volunteered for the 2012 President Barak Obama Reelection Campaign. Therman worked with the annual African American Parade and Family Heritage, the Lansing Michigan Food Bank Garden Project as well as other various community services activities.
Therman is graduating from Everett High School and plans to attend Olivet College in Olivet, MI. His chosen career paths are Computer Science and Library Science. Therman believes his interests in the sciences will best serve his community.
For more information on The Turning Point of Lansing, visit our website, theturningpointoflansing.org, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @TPLansing.
This was printed in the May 19, 2013 – June 1, 2013 Edition