
Local Physicians Group Offers Free Cervical Cancer Screening

By Deana M. Newman, M.A., C.C.P.

EAST LANSING, MI – Women are often referred to as the “gate-keepers” of health for their children and families, as well as themselves, through providing nutritional meals, gathering health-related information and arranging regular medical check-ups to stay healthy. Unfortunately, the current economy has made this task challenging for millions of uninsured women. 

The Kaiser Family Foundation has reported over 19 million American women lack health insurance and a majority of those uninsured are within working families. In Michigan alone, over 500,000 women do not have health insurance. So what does this mean? A greater risk of premature deaths due to undetected preventable and treatable diseases.

A 2010 study, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and the National Cancer Institute, reported cancer screenings are significantly below national targets primarily due to lack of health insurance and health benefit cuts. Many disease onsets are often asymptomatic until the final stages – as evident in cervical cancer. “In 2012, it is estimated that 12,170 new cases of invasive cervical cancer and 4,220 related deaths are expected. Fifty-percent of diagnosed cases between 2004 and 2006 were late stage and correlated with lack of screening”, said Dr. LaKeeya Tucker of Alliance Obstetrics & Gynecology, in East Lansing.

In alignment with their mission statement, the physicians, staff and volunteers of the Alliance Ob/GYN, in partnership with Cap-Lab, Sparrow Health System, Women Working Wonders, and the Ingham County Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program serving both Ingham County and Clinton County, have developed a public health program entitled “Pap-O-Rama Saturday” to alleviate the disparity. The program will provide free cervical cancer screenings to uninsured women, between the ages of 21 and 64 years, residing in either Ingham or Clinton County. “This is one of the easiest diseases to screen and prevent and a great opportunity to reach out to the underserved population”, said Dr. Tucker. Symptoms of cervical cancer are generally not detected until the late stages of the disease. According to Dr. Tucker, common late-stage symptoms include bleeding, vaginal discharge and/or lumps in the pelvis.

“Pap-O-Rama Saturday” is the first ever event of its kind within the Greater Lansing Area and Alliance Ob/Gyn anticipates its implementation will grow into an ongoing event for years to come. If you are an uninsured woman between the ages of 21-64; reside in Ingham or Clinton County; and have not had a pap exam in the last year, please contact Alliance Ob/Gyn, at 517-853-2330. Participants must register by October 18th to get tested during “Pap-O-Rama Saturday”, on October 20, 2012. Now is the time to take control of your health. Register, get tested, and provide yourself the greatest gift ever received – the gift of health. For additional information, please visit www.allianceobgyn.com.

Deana Newman is a Cardiovascular Perfusionist at Sparrow Health System, freelance health/wellness writer, and pursuing a Masters of Public Health degree at Michigan State University.

This was printed in the September 23, 2012 – October 6, 2012 Edition