In time, I will understand why you had to go so soon.
Why good men die so soon, I ask? Why all the pain?
However, it is comforting to know you are in God’s precious hands.
I can only vision God looking from heaven saying
"Come home my son, you’ve fought a good fight, Your race is already won."
I cannot describe how much I miss you.
Only time will heal this pain.
A love like ours is rare, a love many will never know.
A love, many will never share.
You are truly flesh of my flesh.
Our love is so unique.
Thanks for giving me more then I ever expected.
Thanks for completing me.
A man of honor and integrity, your big smile I will miss.
Many knew you as "KP", but to me you were just my Kyle.
I Love you Sweetie, but God loved you best.
So today I say goodbye for now, until I too take my rest .
Your Wife, Precious