
MCB Highlights Summer Job Programs for Blind and Visually Impaired Youth

LANSING, MI — The Michigan Commission for the Blind (MCB) has three summer job programs this year that are opportunities for blind and visually impaired youth to earn wages and gain valuable work experience.  Applications are still being accepted at this time for all three programs.  MCB is highlighting these programs during June, which Governor Jennifer M. Granholm has proclaimed Youth Employment Month in Michigan.
Governor Granholm’s proclamation states that hiring young people is “an investment in the future of the State of Michigan and the nation.”
MCB Director Patrick Cannon says, “Work experience is important for anyone beginning their career.  For a young person who is blind or visually impaired, it’s especially important.  Work experience shows a skeptical employer that visual impairment hasn’t prevented this person from being a productive worker.”
Eligibility, locations, dates, and other details of each MCB summer job program are listed below:
MCB Business Enterprise Program Summer Employment, June 18 through August 10, is an eight-week food service and vending internship in MCB’s Business Enterprise Program for blind and visually impaired youth ages 15-22.  Participants work 20-30 hours per week, at $6.95 per hour. The June 18 through August 10 timeline is flexible.  For more information, contact Lucy Edmonds at 517-373-3459.
The MCB Detroit Youth Summer Program, June 25 through August 17, is for blind and visually impaired youth ages 14-21. The program provides youth with work experience at minimum wage, a one-week computer camp, and opportunities to develop vocational and personal adjustment skills.  For more information, current MCB clients should contact their MCB counselor; others contact Shawnese Laury-Johnson at 313-456-1957.
Summer Employment Excursion (SEE) in Genesee County, June 18 to August 17 (eight weeks) for youth ages 14-21.   Participants must reside in Genesee County and be eligible for Michigan Commission for the Blind services. Students will have the opportunity to explore career possibilities, develop resumes, work with mentors in the community who have disabilities, discuss adult daily living skills, improve socialization skills, job shadow, and gain valuable work experience at minimum wage.  The program is a partnership of the Michigan Commission for the Blind, Genesee Intermediate School District, and Goodwill Industries of Mid-Michigan.  For more information, contact Debbie Wilson at 810-760-2035.
Through its state- and federally funded training and services, MCB provides opportunities for individuals who are blind or visually impaired to achieve independence and employment, and annually serves approximately 4,500 state residents who are blind or visually impaired.  Visit the Michigan Commission for the Blind website at www.michigan.gov/mcb or call MCB toll-free at 1-800-292-4200 (voice) or 1-888-864-1212 (TTY).
The Michigan Commission for the Blind is part of the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth (DLEG), which is investing in Michigan’s future by helping to create the jobs of today and tomorrow, ensuring that our children and adults have the skills these jobs demand, making Michigan a better place to do business, and training and placing those who need jobs now. For more information about DLEG, visit the department’s website at www.michigan.gov/dleg.