
me2u – 9-10 – To Do

By Melik
It was crazy. The words ‘there is nothing to do in Lansing’ were echoing in my head. As time goes on my mind has a tendency to implode when I hear this statement. On a recent Saturday, I knew of so many things that were going on that I felt overwhelmed. There was an art show in East Lansing that included displays of artists and crafts persons from Hell to Paradise and from coast to coast. There were food venders from many different area restaurants, all with a backdrop of different flavors of music. As I drove into Old Town for a show that I was to perform in, I saw Michael S. who worked with me on the television show that I used to host. I rounded the corner on to Turner Street and heard the music bouncing off of the buildings that was pulsating from the parking lot just south of the Chrome Cat. It was the inaugural event called Michigan Funk. I turn the corner again, looking for a parking spot when I see Brian and his wife Jennifer. I hit it off with him when I waited on them at the restaurant where I work. They just happened to hear me on the Tim Barron Morning Show. They traveled from Jackson, Michigan to watch me perform at the Creole Gallery B—Spot’s Spoken Word Comedy Event. The sidewalks were buzzing with excited energy. I finally find a place to park.
When I was walking towards the Creole Gallery I saw Larry from Mighty Medicine who was doing a performance in a play two doors down from the Creole. Was that Terry Such I just passed? To those people that say that there is nothing to do, I wonder where they are looking. I wonder what it is exactly that they are looking for. I wonder if they just do not have the motivation to find entertainment. I mean are people looking under their couch for a good time? There is so much that can be done and it does not necessarily cost a stack of bills. Sometimes I am simply overwhelmed that on any given weekend, or any given weekday that there always is something ‘to do’. Chances are I am probably working and would have to miss out anyway. However, I know that if I do have some free time, I could do any number of things like go to a play, musical performance, visit a museum, enjoy a park, or go to the zoo. Michigan has some of the best golf courses in the nation. And no, golf does not have to be expensive or challenging. Hell, even some stores in the area would make an interesting field trip. When was the last time you were in October Moon? It is a gift boutique and an art gallery without the stuffiness.
It is summer in Mid-Michigan why are you not out there and playing? Come on, I can drive downtown and see a baseball game with fireworks. I can go across the street and get nutty at the Nuthouse. Or if I want, Washington Avenue has several restaurants and bars that have great food. There is a cool spot that literally sprang from a sidewalk you might have heard of called Troppo. And in the middle of all that there are bars that offer everything from women dancing on the bars, to live music, to dueling pianos, to house and techno music. If you have never been to Spiral on a Sunday night you should free your mind a bit and experience those that seriously celebrate being free to just be. If nothing else, you will have plenty to talk about come Monday. I know there are a lot of sources of information where you can find things to do. You are holding one right now. And, there is more to come. I will be starting the new incarnation of Time Slot. That should be viewable online at press time on the Life In Lansing website – simply lifeinlansing.com. Let’s have fun this summer. 
~Melik / me2upro.com
This was printed in the June 6 – June 19 edition.