
me2u – Coat – 9-1


The restaurant where I work has a coat check. There are times that I end up helping guests retrieve their overcoats. This, however, does not mean me simply taking their claim ticket, ripping their coat off of the hanger and tossing the thing to the person that is waiting. I actually approach the person with their coat open in an effort to communicate that I am attempting to help the guests with putting on their coats. When I first started doing this I thought I was being polite and accommodating. After some time I began to realize that this was an anomaly for some. Actually it seemed that it was strange for most people to have someone help them with their coat. Their look of surprise and or confused causes me to feel giggly inside.

There are some differences in reactions between men and women. Most men simply turn around with their arms at the ready down by their sides ready to slide their arms into the ready to have their coat slid up their arms. Then there are the men that look at me like I am trying to go in for a hug. With a fearful confused look on their face the simple reach out with a hand indicating that they would rather have me hand them their coat. One man in particular that I approach with his coat at the ready began to convulse and stammer. He was so shaken he could not speak as his body conflictingly tried to avoid me and grab his coat at the same time. Men are easy, they are either with it, or they are not.

Ladies on the other hand must have a myriad of things going on in their heads that I will never fully grasp. I am confused by the surprise responses that I receive when approaching them with a butterflyed coat. The underlying theme of the responses is the idea that helping someone in this way is not a common practice. For me I find that odd, just like when people react in a weird way when I try to hold the door open for someone. It seems that women have a difficult time having someone help them. I do not know if it comes from nervousness or lack of experience but coat placing becomes an interesting exchange of appreciation and anxiety. However, it would be a smoother process if you help me to help you. When I help you with your coat or jacket, please don’t throw your arms up around your shoulder. This makes putting on your coat very difficult and it becomes some kind of twisted game. Both of your hands go behind you near your buttocks – as if you are getting ready for flight like you are a jet. Your hands go into the arm holes. I will slide your garment up your arms towards your shoulders simultaneously as you slowly bring your arms forward. If we are on very familiar terms I may help you with your hair so it is pulled outside of your overcoat. Oh, maybe not that last part, especially at the restaurant. That may be crossing way past the politeness line – creepy.

It is fun playing coat check guy every now and then. I do it with a smile and helping you with your coat is my way of trying to give a moment of joy. If you have ever been to a fancy clothier to try on clothes then you know how cool it is and nice it feels to have someone help you put on and take off coats and jackets. It is like dress up for kids. I smile, you smile and thanks for the dollar by the way. Have a nice day. ~Melik  me2upro.com