
me2u – Noise – 8-24


It is just noise, nothing more. Someone takes one noise, adds it to another noise and then makes some more noise then all of a sudden you have a bunch of noise that is called a song. If you do not believe, then try deconstructing a song and find one noise in particular. Take that noise and loop it for an hour. I bet you get tired of hearing that noise. You have to remember, we are noise makers from birth. Noise can get us fed. It will let someone know that we need to get cleaned up. Or it will remind someone that sleep is needed. Or maybe noise is made by a little one that will remind people that they are present and could use a little love and affection.
The evolution of noise baffles me. Even if I received a doctorate in music evolution I would still have difficulty understanding how people went from banging two sticks together to creating a grand piano. What kind of thought process had to happen for someone to conjure up the idea of throwing some keys, strings, hammers, pedals and levers in a box to create something as beautiful as a piano? Think about how many different types of instruments there are around the globe. Think about how many millions of songs have been made. That is a whole lot of noise going on. We all have a different flavor of what we savor in noise we like to hear. We all have had countless pleasant experiences with either making or listening to some fantastic noise. I may hear music. At first you may hear noise, but maybe you should try giving someone else’s noise a chance and you might be able to hear the music.
I have enjoyed making noise. I have reached the point in my life I want to revisit some of the noises I used to make when I was younger. There was a little bit of trumpet playing. I did some singing. And there was a brief stint with the piano. Most recently I have been able to make some guitar noise that is good enough for background music. It may not all be a joyful noise but I have definitely been getting joy out of making it. Some of my favorite noises are sudden random outbursts I have with just my voice. People usually ask me what is wrong as if I am afflicted with some debilitating sickness. I tell them nothing is wrong and, that noise was me getting rid of whatever was ailing me. Humming, strumming or grunting has been very therapeutic for me. You probably do it more than you realize. Stealing a line from a song by Prince, sometimes you just have to “release it”. And boy does it feel good to do so. Now get up off your butt and go make some noise. Have fun.

~Melik  www. me2upro . com