
me2u – Reverse – 9-3

Have you seen or experienced a pull that has moved you in ways you were not aware of at first but then find yourself going completely against your norm? It is something that creeps in like black mold in a dark corner of a basement, unbeknownst to anyone; it slowly grows into a monolithic monstrosity. By the time it is noticed you are completely afflicted with something that is severely toxic and will need to be fought vigorously if it is going to be eradicated. This problem affects your sleep habits, your job, your interpersonal relationships and your general disposition. I truly believe it also affects your health. And I am beginning to think it is becoming to be an epidemic. I ask, have you checked your negativity reading recently?
I have been in weird situations when someone has asked me about something or someone and it seemed that the person asking was pressing for something not nice. I had a bad lesson when someone I worked with was complaining about another co-worker. The one speaking to me was going on and on about all the negative things about the third. I agreed with them, maybe a little bit too enthusiastically. What happened next shocked the complacency out of me. The talked about person came up to me very upset because they heard I was saying a lot of negative things about them. It seems that the first person that was venting to me went to the other and told them that I had bad mouthed them. From that point on I decided I would never say anything – in public – about a person that I was not willing to tell them directly. If someone asks me my opinion about another person and if I did not have anything nice to say I would not say anything at all. Thanks mom.
Have you met a constant victim, a person that seems to never have anything good happen to them? You know the person; if they had a million dollars dropped in their lap they would complain and moan about how much of a pain it is going to be to deal with that kind of gift. The sun can be shining and 70 degrees outside and this type of person would find a problem with it somehow. I have known people that have made everything in their lives seem bad, and then when something really bad happens it is almost impossible to be empathetic. “Hey wolf, what are you crying about now?”
I found that I was caught up in negativity myself. I was in a relationship with someone that had me on edge so badly that I was constantly with my guard up waiting for the anvil to fall on my head. I felt like life was a Wil E. Coyote cartoon and no matter what I did I was going to get splatted. Before I knew it, I was completely immersed in every aspect of my life with negative thinking people and I lost my silly happiness. Even when I found something funny it was from a dark place. It was as if I had been sucked into an emotional black whole of all things murky. This way of being I truly believe was affecting my health. A doctor will argue with me but I truly believe working too much and being surrounded by so much negative energy was part of the reason I had a stroke.
After my stroke weekend at the hospital as I was walking in the bright sun towards my car I decided I was going to completely change how I lived my life. It was imperative that I start to make a reverse in how I dealt with life and the people around me. If something was a negative I would either change it or leave it. I figured there was no sense dwelling on it. I decided that I should look at the positive first to be focused on. And the hardest part was detaching me from negative people. Did you know that they are everywhere? They are at work, they are at the grocery store and they are on the roads. It got down to me having to just bluntly tell someone that was starting off on a negative rant – I am not going to participate in that type of a conversation. Sadly though, the numbers of people that I associated with on a regular basis dwindled. It is a simple idea but a difficult process.
The victory came though. I was able to find a comfortable happiness within myself. I did not have that forever searching need to look everywhere for something good. And although I was shunning negativity I was not closed off. I remained open for anything positive that would enhance my life in an enlightened and beautiful way. I was able to find some other people that were on a quest to be surrounded by good people trying to live in a good way. I found that I was able to enjoy the drudgery of day to day living just by making it a point to appreciate the little bits and pieces of happiness that get sometimes missed along the way. Life is good. 
~Melik / me2upro.com