
MICHELLE OBAMA BACK ON NEW YORKER COVER: First Lady leads magazine’s bi-annual Style Issue

Michelle Obama is back on the cover of the New Yorker magazine, this time in a far less controversial artist rendering.      

The First Lady’s July 2008 appearance on the cover sparked outrage over its controversial depiction of her as a black militant – complete with afro, combat boots, fatigues and an assault rifle slung over her shoulder.      

The magazine said it was satire meant to reflect the caricature of Mrs. Obama presented by her haters in the media. But the humor was lost on many critics who labeled the cover offensive and called for boycotts of the magazine as well as the firing of the artist.      

In the latest cover illustration, for The New Yorker’s biannual Style Issue, Mrs. Obama is depicted in three colorful runway poses. To no surprise, much of the article by The Washington Post’s Robin Givhan focuses on the First Lady’s arms. The piece also features photos of Obama-favored designers Jason Wu and Thakoon Panichgul.

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permission from www.eurweb.com.