
Michigan will Gain Billions with Immigrant Path to Citizenship

By Rick Garcia
On May 23 that show a monumental boost to the nation as a whole including Michigan when immigrant workers become citizens and full economic participants. Billions of dollars  over a ten year period will accrue through increases in wages, purchasing power and revenue for the state. 
According to Patrick Oakford of Center for American Progress,  Once immigrants are no longer subject to wage theft and exploited with low wages, their contributions to the state’s economy increases tremendously.  “We have hard numbers that show what common sense should tell us,” said Oakford.
Both Michigan United and the Center for American Progress are urging lawmakers to use the research to keep the forward momentum for a reasonable path to citizenship. 
“The sooner Congress helps immigrant families move out of the shadows and into citizenship, the sooner we will all benefit,” said Professor Ruben Martinez, Michigan State University Julian Samora Research Institute. “The wages and working conditions for everyone will be improved because the bar will be raised on the most exploited and vulnerable workers. The benefits in terms of justice and economic growth should be at the top of lawmaker’s agenda.” 
Professor Ethriam Brammer of Wayne State University’s Latino Studies Departmentspoke to the economic impact of immigrants with greater for educational attainment once they become citizens. “More people will have greater access to education and immigrants who have struggled and gained degrees can use those to contribute to the economy. Right now we have entrepreneurs and highly trained and skilled people earning far below their capacity because of the broken immigration system. Congress needs to fix this as soon as possible.” 
The Center for American Progress report was released on the same day nationally that pro-reform groups announced the launch of a “Remember November!” campaign. Groups in Michigan and across the country have held rallies and voter registration drives during Congress’ Memorial Day recess May 27 to May 31 to emphasize the political urgency of passing reform this year.
Below are the details on the economic effects of Immigration reform on Michigan’s economy. 
• Undocumented immigrants 150,000 
• Cumulative increase in GSP – $10,200,000,000 
• Cumulative increase in earnings of all state residents – $6,800,000,000 
Michigan United and the Center for American Progress revealed findings 
• Cumulative increase in earnings of undocumented workers – $5,600,000,000 
• Increase in taxes paid by undocumented immigrants – $546,000,000 
• Average number of jobs created annually – 1,500 
You can access the full report by the Center for American Progress at http://tinyurl.com/jywfdn
Rick Garcia, a nonprofit executive, a civil rights advocate, blogger and a contributing writer for The New Citizens Press can be reached at rrgarcianrg@gmail.com
This was printed in the June 2, 2013 – June 15, 2013 Edition