President of Charles Blockett, Jr. & Associates, Inc. (CBA)
In the Greater Lansing Community, the name Charles Blockett, Jr. is synonymous with community service. He is President of Charles Blockett, Jr. & Associates, Inc. (CBA), a human resource consulting firm in Lansing. The firm specializes in executive searches, classification and compensation studies, entry & promotional examinations, HR policies and procedures, performance evaluation systems, and organizational alignment.
He retired from the State of Michigan in 1997. For 15 years, he was responsible for the classification and/or selection system for 62,000 state employees in 116 personnel agencies, and he supervised a staff of 115 employees.
He is Past President of the International Personnel Management Association (IPMA) and an honorary life member. IPMA represents human resources administrators at the local, state, and federal level and in more than 60 countries. He has represented IPMA in Asia, Africa, Europe, Canada and every region in the United States.
Charles has a BA in Sociology from Wayne State and an MA in Public Administration from the University of Detroit. He also completed the John F. Kennedy Program for Senior Executives for state and local government at Harvard University.
His work with at risk and disadvantaged youth in the Lansing area has been extensive over the past 30 years He served as Chair of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Youth Workshops for 15 years. Over 1,000 youth attended his workshops. He recently took the lead in establishing a partnership between the Lansing Epsilon Tau Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and Junior Achievement of Mid-Michigan to offer the junior achiever program to 160 eighth graders at Gardner. He has the distinction of being the first male member of the Les Meres Debutantes, and he later served as a male escort advisor. He has served as a mentor of youth at Gardner Middle School.
He is a Past President of the Downtown Branch of the YMCA, and he was named Volunteer of the Year in 2001. He is a 2007 recipient of the Chief Okemos Council Boy Scouts of America “Spirit of Scouting Award”. He is Chair of the Capital Region Community Foundation, Chair-Elect of the Greater Lansing Chamber of Commerce, and Secretary of Hospice of Lansing Board of Directors,
Charles and his wife Lexcie have two daughters and three grandchildren and enjoy traveling.