
Most Interesting and Influencial 2008: Donald L. Allen, Jr.

Donald L. Allen, Jr.
Director of the Michigan  Office of Drug Control Policy (ODCP)

Donald L. Allen, Jr. is the director of the Office of Drug Control Policy (ODCP).  Mr. Allen assumed the directorship of ODCP on June 5, 2006, after serving as deputy legal counsel on Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm’s legal staff.  Mr. Allen’s duties for the executive office included serving as a member of the Governor’s senior staff with responsibilities for emergency management and homeland security, civil rights and criminal justice.  His responsibilities for emergency management and homeland security included representation of the executive office as the Governor’s key advisor for disasters and emergencies in Michigan’s Emergency Operations Center.  These activities included participation in numerous strategy sessions and participation in a number of emergency exercise simulations.

Mr. Allen said that even though there were no lawyers in his family, his parents always encouraged him to pursue higher education and a professional career.  His parents told him that no matter what he did that he should do the best he possibly could in all circumstances.  He said that while going to public school in Detroit, he took a civics class and it peaked his interest in pursuing a legal career.  His parents gave him good advice.  Mr. Allen is a 1983 graduate of Wayne State University Law School and spent most of his professional career as an Assistant Attorney General in the Michigan Department of Attorney’s General before joining the Governor’s staff.

His tenure at the Department of Attorney General began in February 1988 and spanned through September 2005.  His assignments included the Social Services, Revenue, Corrections, and Health Care Fraud divisions where he specialized in litigation.  While at the Attorney General’s Office, he also served as a member on the Attorney General’s Litigation Advisory Board.  In his last assignment at the Health Care Fraud Division, he served as a prosecutor of high profile criminal and civil defendants.  After joining the executive office, the Governor assigned Mr. Allen to lead an interagency group addressing the many problems that occur as a result of methamphetamine (meth), both manufactured and addiction.

Meth is a highly addictive drug that is usually made out of household chemicals in combination with over the counter cold medicine.   The process of “cooking” the drug involves a serious risk of fire or explosion.  Additionally, some of the people who manufacture the drug, have children and the ingredients that make the drug are found on their belongings and clothing.  During his tenure with the Governor’s office, Mr. Allen facilitated meetings and led discussion between agencies, such as MDCH, State Police and others, regarding how to handle children who are found in these situations.  Those meetings led to the state’s adoption of the current Drug Endangered Children’s protocol.

In addition to continuing to address the problems posed by methamphetamines, Mr. Allen is co-lead on an interdepartmental effort designed to address persons diagnosed with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. 
Mr. Allen has adopted an approach designed to re-energize the activities of the ODCP in coordination with priorities established by the executive office.  Additionally, Mr. Allen is leading Michigan’s efforts to implement the requirements of the federal government under the Strategic Initiative Grants and the implementation of the Strategic Prevention Framework.
The state has implemented a plan to reduce the number of alcohol related vehicle crashes and deaths and to educate individuals about underage and binge drinking.  Efforts to prevent and reduce underage drinking are central to the mission of the ODCP and Mr. Allen has made this initiative one of the flagships of his administration.   

Under Mr. Allen’s leadership, ODCP is revising their mission and vision statements in conjunction with their Strategic Plan.  His intention is to have ODCP lead the state’s efforts to combat underage drinking, while implementing best practices aimed at reducing alcohol related crashes.  ODCP will also lead efforts aimed at strengthening the state’s prevention framework and sustaining sobriety for individuals leaving treatment. 

Another key initiative is ODCP’s fight to combat the abuse of prescription drugs by young people.  Recent information indicates that there is a significant and growing number of children that are abusing and becoming addicted to prescription drugs and Mr. Allen is pledging ODCP’s efforts to reduce this problem.  A public awareness campaign is being planned to alert parents to the fact that kids are getting the drugs from their homes.  Mr. Allen says that parents must monitor the drugs in their homes and talk to their children about the dangers posed by prescription drug abuse.

Mr. Allen is an avid sports fan and plays basketball and racquetball.  He loves to read books in his spare time.  He is the President of Caring About Kids, which is a non-profit organization working with foster kids in Ingham County.  He is also a member Phi Beta Sigma, Epsilon Tau Sigma chapter and a member of the State Bar of Michigan, serving on the Lawyers and Judges Assistance program.