
Most Interesting and Influencial 2008: Dr. Dawn E. Fleming

Dr. Dawn E. Fleming
One of America’s Top Dentists

Dr. Dawn E. Fleming has been honored as “One of America’s Top Dentists” for each of the past 5 years. The impressive marble plaques commemorating these honors are proudly displayed in her office at 4801 South Martin Luther King, Jr.  Boulevard in Lansing, MI.

Dr. Fleming moved to Lansing as a teenager and has resided there for more than 30 years. She attended Waverly West Middle School and graduated from Everett High School. While working full-time for the State of Michigan, she then pursued and earned her Bachelor’s degree in Biological Science from Michigan State University.

Her family and friends remember that even in her early childhood days, Dr. Fleming had an intense interest in teeth and continually expressed her interest in becoming a dentist. With her enrollment in dental school came the first opportunity for a “hands on” and in-depth focus on her career goals. Her Doctorate of Dental Surgery was conferred by the University of Michigan Dental Schools in May 1992 and she conferred by the North East Regional Board of Dental Examiners and the American Dental Association’s Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations. During the year following graduation from dental school, she completed a General Practice Residency at the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor.

Dr. Fleming opened her first dental practice in July 1994 in an office suite located in the Waverly-Holmes Plaza. She successfully defied the odds and survived the challenges inherent to most new businesses. She continued building her practice at this location for several years. As her practice grew, however, Dr. Fleming realized the need to relocate her office.

Motivated by desires to provide a more comfortable facility for patients, to improve operational efficiencies, and to better provide for future business growth, she purchased her current office site in April 2002. After extensive remodeling, her new office facility opened in July 2002.

Dr. Fleming is determined to be the caring dentist that patients want to provide the quality dental care that they deserve. She emphasizes the importance of her dental education.

Dr. Fleming strongly advocates pro-active community programs to provide information and motivation concerning dental health and dental hygiene. Despite a busy professional schedule, she has devoted time to the mentoring of high school and college level student interns interested in dentistry and business development. Also, she has advised and assisted various community groups in their efforts to address special dental needs several youngsters. Currently, she is exploring the developments of a periodic dental-health-related informational series.