
Most Interesting and Influential 2007: Linda Lee-Williams

Linda Lee-Williams
Riverwalk Theater Board Member
Vice-Chair of the Alliance of Black Republicans

     Linda Lee-Williams is a native Michigander and resides in Lansing with daughter Jennifer, son Terrance and her Pekingese named Sassy. Linda is employed with the Michigan Department of State as a Project Manager.
     Linda currently attends the University of Phoenix and believes education is a “civil right” and is recognized as an effective parent advocate. Linda was a presenter and panel member at the Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program (DAPCEP) workshop entitled “Negotiating School Systems to Provide the Best Education for Your Child.” Linda was also asked to participate on a “School of Choice” ad-hoc committee at Waverly High School in Lansing to evaluate the impact of the school of choice program on the school district, students, faculty, and funding.  In 2006, Linda was selected to participate in the Parent Leadership Institute Network (PLIN), a group that prepares parents for authentic participation by improving schools in order to enhance academic achievement for all students.
     Linda spent many years teaching life changing biblical principles to both children and adults at the Mt. Zion All Nations Bible Church. In a bold move to minister to middle school-aged children in her community, Linda developed and obtained approval to implement the “Power Lunch” program that blended spiritual “character building” lessons and rap sessions during the lunch period. The lunches were successful in improving behavior of the attendees.
     As a member of the Riverwalk Theater Board of Directors for over 15 years, Linda has been instrumental in providing numerous and quality African-American productions to the Lansing area. Thanks to Linda’s leadership, Riverwalk Theater is the only community theater in Mid-Michigan committed and dedicated to providing multi-cultural opportunities in the Arts. Linda is also a member of the Lansing State Journal’s “Old Newsboys” board that provides shoes, boots and socks to area children.  Ms. Lee-Williams is an advisory Board Member with Event Depot in East Lansing. Event Depot is an award winning Event Management Company with experience in planning and executing high quality events. The staff’s expertise includes entertainment, technical production, design, travel and destination management.
     Linda is a diehard political activist. Her service to the Republican Party includes; Vice-Chair of the Alliance of Black Republicans; Vice-Chair of the Ingham County Republican Party; and Michigan Republican Party State Committee Member.