
Most Interesting and Influential 2009: Lonnie Marshall, Jr.

Lonnie Marshall, Jr.
Capital City Sports Club

“Coach” Marshall is consummate with the life and work he has been committed to for over 30 years in the Greater Lansing area.  From 5th grade basketball to semi-professional football to track and field and everything in-between has been the passion and focus for this wonderful coach.  Mr. Marshall has touched the lives of thousands of students and adults with his no-nonsense approach.  Within each athlete he has worked with, he sees the potential of greatness.  It’s that vision of greatness that drives him.  He knows that it’s through sports he can help athletes to create a lifestyle based on their personal best – always pushing past their own limits to more each day.

Mr. Marshall acquired his love of coaching as a result of his many positive and often rewarding experiences with sports and coaches who touched his life up close and personal and from afar with their own journey stories of success and failure.  Coaching others to reach higher heights and deeper depths was even more important as he raised his own children.  That’s when “Capital City Sports, Incorporated” was created.  Who would have believed 30 years later, it still is a very strong and viable organization dedicated to helping youth ages 6 – 18 stride into their futures? 

Coach Marshall has coached (head or assistant) for several teams over the years including: Michigan State University, Walter French Academy, Head Track Coach, Everett High School, Head Track Coach, Eastern High School, Assistant Track Coach, Lansing Lightning Semi-Professional Football (assistant and head coach), Grand River Elementary Basketball and Soccer, General Motors Afternoon Basketball League, along with working and helping to organize the Hersey Track Meet.  He has been an Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Official, USA Track and Field Official and Past President of the Michigan AAU/USA Track and Field Association and sitting on the United States Olympic Committee.

He wants each athlete to learn life lessons related to team work, being accountable for one’s personal and professional success through adequate training, development and preparation for winning in academics, career and life.  He has membership in the following organizations:  National Amateur Athletic Union (AAU)/USA track & field – 26 year member. Michigan registered official, Michigan High School Coaches Official, Michigan high school athletic association (MHSAA), trained track & field official (Certified level 1 coach), Association of Track Officials of Michigan (ATOM) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Lifetime member, Elks Lodge, Silver Leaf Lodge 534, Black Men Incorporated of Greater Lansing and the Laymen of Friendship Baptist Church.

Mr. Marshall has been the recipient of numerous awards, citations and acknowledgements, including State of Michigan Acknowledgement of Appreciation & Commitment to the children of Greater Lansing Area, First Gentleman, Daniel Mulhern, 2005, General Motors Corporation, Life Saving Award, 1998, State of Michigan, Executive Declaration, Certificate of Commendation, Great Humanitarian for Outstanding Dedication and Service, Environmental Change and Community Outreach Program, Governor John Engler 1995 and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), Outstanding Volunteer, Michigan Association, 1992. 

He is married to JaNice Marshall, and together, they have 8 children Tina Shashington, Lorenzo Marshall, Rodney Marshall, Kshia Agee, Demetrius Mason and Trina Majors, Ahnna Moore and Will Moore, III, 20 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.  He has been employed with General Motors for more than 40 years.