
Moving Forward: “Why we Still need to talk about Race” 

 Health and Human Services Building, Rooms 024-025 at 515 N. Washington Square, Lansing, MI 48933

St. Paul’s Joins with LCC to Discuss Why We Still Need to Talk about Race
St. Paul’s Mission and Outreach Committee is partnering with Lansing Community College to present a four-part documentary film and discussion series on Why We still Need to Talk about Race. Former parishioner and film director Rob Gray returned to Lansing and opened the series on Tuesday, March 17.  The series will take place at LCC and run on three more consecutive Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 pm with refreshments served at 6:30.
Serving as a springboard for conversation, each film in the series takes a hard look at the different ways racism continues to pervade structures and institutions in 21st-century America. Mobile, Alabama, is the backdrop for these film segments, but the issues addressed go well beyond any specific city.
Below is a brief description of the discussion topics of each evening; a more detailed flyer will be available in the near future.
Tuesday, March 24th:   6:30pm to 8:30pm
“Race in the Twenty-First Century”
This segment is intended to address the issue of what has been called “structural racism.”
Tuesday, March 31st:   6:30pm to 8:30pm 
“Racialized Structures”
This segment looks at how institutional inequities in the education and criminal justice systems lead to inequities in the lives and opportunities of people of color.  
Tuesday, April 7th:   6:30pm to 8:30pm  
“Toward Equity”
This final segment of the series continues the look at education as a central, structural issue that leads to inequitable outcomes for communities of color and is intended to serve as both a conclusion and a call to action.  
This was printed in the March 22, 2105 – April 4, 2015 edition.