Left: Over 1,000 backpacks given to local K-12 students in 3 hours at the Lansing Center
Courtesy photos
“I am extremely pleased with the way this first expo went. It was important for us to pull this off in order for others to see the vision; which definitely did happen.”
Heather Sheets, co-founder, New World Flood
LANSING, MI – Every child should go back to school with the supplies needed for a great education, said Todd “TJ” Duckett, from the non-profit organization, New World Flood.
On August 19, for three hours in the afternoon, the Lansing Center was jammed packed with over 1,800 students and parents for the annual Back to School Expo. This is the third year that the back-to-school giveaway has been in existence.
Imagine a child going to school on the first day and not having the basic necessities to start their school year. Duckett who is a former Michigan State University (MSU) and NFL standout runningback, and Heather Sheets founded New World Flood. The non-profit prepares students for volunteerism and service in their schools and communities through a program of outreach efforts. During the school year, both Duckett and Sheets spend a lot of time speaking at schools and colleges.
With the recent changes to our economy, it has been difficult for parents and guardians to maneuver or find systems or programs that are needed. Sheets said this year was different because more research went into finding out what other resources and services could be provided while handing out backpacks.
As part of the mission, each student visited various information vendors for demonstrations and presentations about services and organzations that also reach out to kids. There were 20 booths dealing with health, fitness, education, music, mentoring and educational opportunities, like Lansing Promise. With so many challenges paying for education the Lansing Promise booth provided information on the program which involves a college scholarship equivalent to an associate’s degree (up to 60 credits) at Lansing Community College or $5,000 at MSU.
There were giveaways, a DJ and a local hip hop group that kept the families entertained while New World Flood and its army of volunteers supplied students with backpacks and school items.
Sheets said that they invited the MSU Community Music School which is the outreach division of the MSU College of Music . They bring music education and music therapy to those of all ages and abilities withing the Greater Lansing Area.
Sheets also said that with many schools losing funding for music and art that parents needed more information about both. REACH Art Studio will be invited to attend next year as they expand the information table. There was a station where the children could make artistic cards to be sent overseas to the military.
“I am extremely pleased with the way this first expo went. It was important for us to pull this off in order for others to see the vision; which definitely did happen. I am excited to start compiling the feedback and to start planning an even bigger and better 2014 Back to School Expo,” said Sheets.
For more information on New World Flood log on to newworldflood.org or on Facebook and Twitter.
This was printed in the August 25, 2013 – September 7, 2013 Edition