
NEW YEAR: MEN 4 Tips to Curbing Your Anger

By Quassan Castro
The hairs on the back of your neck stand erect after a perceived disrespect. The joker keeps mouthing off. You feel the heat from his breath. The words are oozing from his mouth, as you feel your knuckles balling into a hardened fist. Take a deep breath. Think about all of the negativity and legal battles that can come your way as a result of an attack. In the New Year, proclaim that you will not let the haters bring out your anger. 
Here are five helpful tips to curb your anger in 2011.
1) Don’t let the haters get inside your head. As soon as you let anyone enter your mind, you’re allowing the enemy to control part of your actions.  
2) When you feel your blood-boiling, walk away. Think before you react. Once you get that assault charge, your career options become slim pickings. Take a deep breathe and count as you exit. 
3) Call someone level headed and reasonable before your anger leads to violence. Nine times out of ten, if the person you call think it’s okay to knock someone out after they disrespect you, then call someone else. Reach out to the friend who always has something positive to say or has a non-reactionary response when confronted with confrontation. Sometimes in the moment, we need a voice of reason to curb our anger. Remember in the New Year, you’re not letting anyone bring you down with words. 
4) Join a spiritual organization. Some places of worship hold meetings that can help you cope with anger issues, free of charge. Sitting with people that are enduring the same challenge might be helpful with helping you defeat your challenge. You can also find meditation centers in your local area, as many have reported feeling bouts of peace upon meditation. Most importantly, find the outlet that you’re comfortable with joining. But remember, in 2011 you will not let anger or haters consume your mind. Dust the sweat off your back and keep it moving. 
Quassan Castro is an entertainment and news writer.