
News Brief 7-18

  featuring Prosecutor
  Stuart Dunnings
Sunday, September 28, 2008 (1-3pm)
Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lansing, 855 Grove St. East Lansing, MI 48823
In May 2008, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lansing and Edgewood United Church of Christ hosted an event to welcome Claude McCollum back to our community.  Thank you for showing your support and sharing in the vision that our community will not tolerate injustice.
We now have the opportunity to hear from the other side of the table.  Ingham County Prosecutor Stuart Dunnings would like to share his views on this case as well as broader issues impacting our criminal justice system.  As re-elections approach, we encourage you to join us in this conversation, ask questions and learn more about how you can get involved in advocacy.

Governor Granholm Announces New Jobs Website
State site connects citizens to jobs, vital career information
LANSING, MI – Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today announced a new feature on the state website that connects citizens with information on available jobs in their area.  The new feature – www.michigan.gov/jobs – provides job seekers with vital career information and is part of the governor’s continued efforts to stand up for Michigan workers and families during tough economic times.
“Every day, we are working to create and retain jobs in Michigan,” Granholm said.  “Even in this challenging time there are thousands of companies hiring right now.  This website will help connect citizens searching for jobs with those companies.”
Granholm noted that job seekers can receive automatic updates on job postings from the Michigan Talent Bank (MTB), alerting them of new jobs that have been added, by using the “subscribe to new jobs” feature on the website.
The MTB has more than 35,000 available jobs posted with more than 79,000 registered employers seeking employees in fields such as manufacturing, banking, education, healthcare, sales, management, and customer service.  According to the MTB, more than 4,400 jobs where posted on Friday, September 19.
The feature also gives job seekers the ability to:
•    perform a job search using their location and keywords,
•    locate their local Michigan Works agency,
•    locate No Worker Left Behind job training information,
•    locate job and career fair information,
•    view state of Michigan job postings, and
•    view veteran employment services.
Granholm also noted that job seekers can find contact information for companies that are creating jobs by relocating or expanding in the state under the “latest good news about jobs” feature.
“We have implemented the most aggressive plan of any state in the country to diversify and grow the state’s economy, and I am committed to going anywhere and doing anything to bring new jobs to the state,” Granholm said.
Last week, the governor traveled to Japan on her sixth overseas jobs investment mission since 2004.  Her previous missions to Germany, Austria, Japan, and Sweden have resulted in 37 companies announcing over $826 million in new investment and more than 9,000 jobs created and retained.
The MTB is managed by the Department of Labor and Economic Growth (DLEG) and is the state’s premier online job-matching system that allows job seekers to perform job searches and create and update resumes.  For more information on the MTB, you can visit www.michigan.gov/talentbank or the help desk is available to offer customer service at 1-888-253-6855 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.