
News Briefs 6-19

 “Walk a Mile in These Shoes” Exhibit
     October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. Please join local domestic violence shelters at the Capitol steps from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 for the “Walk a Mile in These Shoes” exhibit.  
     End Violent Encounters (EVE, Inc.), MSU Safe Place, Relief After Violent Encounters (RAVE), and SIREN will line the Capitol steps with shoes to represent the women and children that stayed in shelter last year to increase awareness about domestic violence.
     Each shelter will have a representative from their organization and information about their services at the exhibit. General information about domestic violence will also be available.
     EVE, Inc. is still in need of donations of shoes. For more information about attending this event or donating shoes, please contact Jillian at EVE,  at 517. 372. 5976 ext. 11 or communityrelations@eveinc.org.

Financial Seminars to Help the Community Secure Their Future

     LANSING, MI —  Terrence J. King, Chief Serving Officer (CSO) and wife, Cynthia, founders of Kingdom Ministries have been holding a month long seminar.The Financial Freedom Conference is a passionate response to the call of God to bring financial resources to our community to meet family and individual needs.  Kingdom Ministries believes that people can become financially free through becoming financially healthy.  The vision of the conference is to teach, train and coach attendees through principles that can be practiced to develop a financially free lifestyle.  This will include breaking unhealthy habits and replacing them with prosperous habits.  The Sunday morning sessions are designed to provide financial information, illustration and inspiration from the word of God.  The Tuesday seminar/workshops which are facilitated by local financial experts and financial coaches are designed to provide practical steps toward financial freedom.
     The last weekend of the month is a big weekend.  Our keynote speaker, David Avanzini will open Saturday, October 27th at 7:00pm by declaring “War on debt.”  All are encouraged to bring copies of their debt and wage war on the spirit of debt to break its’ stronghold.  Sunday, October 28th at 10:00am will continue with more liberating principles from the word of God.  Finally, Sunday, October 28th at 4:00pm David Avanzini will conclude our conference with establishing a firm commitment to having faith in God to complete the work that was started.  The road to financial freedom starts here!
  All events in the Harry Hill building located at 5815 Wise Road in Lansing, Michigan.

Tuesday, October 16
6 pm – 8 pm
Financial  Workshop
Greg McKay
Great HomeBuyers
Solutions, LLC
Financial Family Plan
Hill Center Russ Maples Conference Room
Sunday, October 21
10am  – 12 pm
Morning Service
Randy Parlor
Money Walk
Hill Center Auditorium
Tuesday, October 23
6 pm – 8 pm
Financial  Workshop
Randy Parlor
Money Walk
Financial Principles
Hill Center Russ Maples Conference Room
Saturday, October 27
6pm – 8:30 pm
Session 1
David Avanzini
Avanzini Ministries
War on Debt
Hill Center Auditorium
Sunday, October 28
10am  – 12 pm
Session 2
Morning Service
David Avanzini
Avanzini Ministries
Hill Center Auditorium
Sunday, October 28
4 pm – 6:30 pm
Session 3
Afternoon Service
David Avanzini
Avanzini Ministries
Hill Center Russ Maples Conference Room
Tuesday, October 30
6 pm – 8 pm
Financial  Workshop
Terrence J. King
Kingdom Ministries
Will & Estate Planning
Hill Center Russ Maples Conference Room
Tuesday, October 30
6 pm – 8 pm
Financial  Workshop
Terrence J. King
Kingdom Ministries
Will & Estate Planning
Hill Center Russ Maples Conference Room

Lansing Black Lawyers Association Free Legal Education Workshop and Kids Halloween Costume Party

      The Lansing Black Lawyers Association is pleased to announce its 1st annual FREE Legal Education Workshop and Kids Halloween Costume Party on October 27, 2007 at the Foster Community Center from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.   The center is located at 200 North Foster in Lansing, MI. This is a unique opportunity to learn from local attorneys about Family Law, Small Business Law, Estates and Probate, and Criminal Law, and how you can protect your legal rights. Presenters will include; Vince Green, Laurin Thomas, Shauna Dunnings, and Nicole Dandridge.  
     There will also be a Kids Halloween Costume Party with exciting games and performances to keep the kids entertained during the workshop. So please, bring the kids.   Light refreshments will be provided.  For more information, contact Goldie Adele at 517-371-5140 ext.2818  or Rico Neal at 517-290-5753.
CIIE Music Sessions: Great Electric Blues Guitarists 1939-1953
     While the roots of the electric guitar styles of the 1940s lie in the 1920s and 1930s, it was during the 1940s that the electric guitar took off in American music.
     As guitarists all over the country became exposed to the music of early electric guitar pioneers like Bob Dunn, Floyd Smith, Eddie Durham, Casey Bill Weldon, George Barnes, Sol Hoopii and others during the 1930s, a single note style derived from the work of earlier acoustic guitar stylists like Lonnie Johnson, Blind Lemon Jefferson, Scrapper Blackwell, Django Reinhardt, Oscar Aleman and others was merged with the electric guitar to create what has since become known as “lead” guitar.
     Under the fingers of such musicians as Charlie Christian and T-Bone Walker, a guitar vocabulary was created which quickly spread all over the country, launching national and regional variations and extensions of their ideas.
     This session will trace these developments from the music of Charlie Christian and T-Bone Walker early in the decade to the music of those they inspired later in the decade, including Pee Wee Crayton, Jimmy “Babyface” Lewis, Gene Phillips, Tiny Webb, Clarence “Gatemouth” Brown, Lowell Fulson, Robert Junior Lockwood, B.B. King and Guitar Slim.
     It will also cover the work of other, non-Walker and Christian derived electric guitarists of the time such as Robert Nighthawk, Muddy Waters, Jimmy Rogers, John Lee Hooker and Lightnin’ Hopkins. As it would take weeks to cover all of the guitarists of the time period, we will only be making brief stops at the music of each of the players.
    The presenter is Eugene Hayhoe.  He is the Cultural Coordinator at the Center for International and Intercultural Education (CIIE) Office at Lansing Community College.
     The same content will be presented twice: Monday, October 15, 2007, 12:10 p.m. -1:00 p.m. and Tuesday October 16, 2007, 4:30 p.m. -5:30 p.m.  Both times the location will be 205 B, A&S Building (next to the Kennedy Cafeteria)  at Lansing Community College campus, 400 N. Washington, downtown Lansing.  This is a free event.  If you need further information, please call or write Eugene Hayhoe in the CIIE at 517-483-9963 or email: hayhoe@lcc.edu.

The Cadillac Club will host The Mid Michigan Parrot Head Club Beach Party for Ronald McDonald House!
            A Beach Party in October?  With The Mid Michigan Parrot Head Club it’s all one big  Beach Party, all the time!!  And this trip to Margaritaville will benefit our Lansing Ronald McDonald House, while providing a real tropical good time to all visitors!  It’s Saturday, October 20th, from 7:00 pm to 12:00 am  in the Cadillac Club DeVille Room.  The Mid Michigan Parrot Head Club sports the slogan "Party with a Purpose" and they always plan their parties around a good cause and organization that will benefit.  The Band Members of The Lost Marbles, who will entertain that night, are like minded in terms of donating their musical offering to create benefit for local organizations and charities.  They are Teachers and professionals with good paying jobs, and they ONLY play charitable gigs!!!!    So this partnership is a match made in heaven, (or Key West, in the ParrotHead’s mind!)  Dress Tropical, and be prepared to dance and celebrate at this very fun Beach Bash, knowing that the proceeds will be put to good use.
             The Ronald McDonald House of Mid-Michigan opened in June 2000 to provide a warm and caring home-away-from-home for ill children receiving treatment at area hospitals and clinics and their families.  The 8 bedroom, 10,000 square ft. House serves over 250 families annually during their greatest time of stress — the serious illness of their child.  The House does not restrict who stays there,  however priority is given to families traveling more than 30 minutes.  Families are asked to pay a nominal fee of $10 per night to stay at the House, however no one is ever turned away for inability to pay and it actually costs nearly $60 per room per night to serve a family.  The House is not owned or operated by McDonald’s Corporation or any one healthcare system nor is ongoing support received from McDonald’s Restaurants.  The House receives no funding from Children’s Miracle Network or the Sparrow Foundation nor does the House receive any State or Federal funding.  The House is governed by a volunteer community board of directors and staffed by a full-time resident house manager, part-time operation’s manager and part-time executive director.  Day to day operations are overseen by nearly 110 volunteers who staff the House from 8 am-8 pm, 7 days per week.
        This will be a ticketed event.  Tickets are $10, all proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House of Lansing.  There will be a special menu of Margaritaville Food and Tropical vacation drinks available for purchase.    There will also be door prizes:  A 3 day/2 night stay in Las Vegas with a $500 Fun Book!, 2 $25 Gift Certificates to the Cadillac Club, and 2 MMPHC
T-Shirts, Can Coozies, Cups and Mixers!
        For more information about Ronald McDonald House call Rebecca Reagan, Executive Director, 517-485-9825  And for more information about MMPHC contact Becky Greisinger, Membership Chair, b.greisinger@comcast.net.

5th Annual Gourmet Gents Fundraiser.

On Sunday, October 22, 2007 the Delta Tau Omega Chapter (Lansing, MI) of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. is holding its 5th Annual Gourmet Gents Fundraiser. The event will take place at Friendship Baptist Church, 2912 Pleasant Grove Road, Lansing, MI from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm.  Gourmet Gents will feature male chefs from the greater Lansing area. Tickets are available from any member of Delta Tau Omega Chapter or they can be purchased at the door. Tickets are $20.00 for adults and $10.00 for children. For more information, contact Esther Norton, Event Chairman, at (517) 393-3048 or akanorton@hotmail.com.

Uplift Our Youth Foundation

The Uplift Our Youth Foundation whose purpose is to provide grants to organizations who are 501 (c) 3 tax exempt will host its annual Fund raising and Grant Award Dinner on November 8th, 2007 at  the MSU University Club.  Cocktails will be at 5:30 pm and dinner and program at 6:45 pm.  Larry Leatherwood Founder and Chairperson of the Foundation stated that Dr. C. Kent McGuire, formerly of Lansing and currently Dean of Education at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pa will be the speaker.  Dr. T. C. Wallace, recently appointed Superintendent of the Lansing Public Schools will introduce Dr. McGuire. The grant recipients and Child advocate of the Year will be announced at the dinner.
Donations for the event is $150 for a Honorary Co-Chair (Dinner and name in program book will be included) and $75,00 for additional tickets and general admission.  Larry said that  this is the Foundation’s 5th anniversary and the board of directors are extremely pleased with the support received from the community.
He also reported that including this years grants in excess of $50,000 has been awarded to organizations who serve over 5000 at risk youth..
Checks should be sent to Uplift Our Youth Foundation, P.O. Box 70099, Lansing, Michigan 48908. Any questions contact Larry at 285-9373.
See web site www.upliftouryouth.com

Safety Union Set to Bring Community Together

Greater Lansing area residents and anti-violence advocates gather to share progress on safety goals for neighborhoods and preventing violence against women. Joined by Robin Mulligan, daughter of murder victim Stanley Patlu. November  11, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm @ Gone Wired Café, 2021 E. Grand River Ave., Lansing. 517-853-0550. http://womenwriters.blogspot.com deyofthephoenix@hotmail.com